The Message (Ruechari)

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The Message

It was getting late

Nearly eight

Almost time for

Rue and my date

Two bowls of noodles

Table set with candles

Red Velvet cupcakes

The whole kit and caboodle

The only thing left was the girl

My head was awhirl

What would she say

Would it be yes.

It would be anyone's guess.

There was a sudden knock on the door

Looks like I won't have to wait anymore

Billy opened to see, not Ruechari

But the Marshall

"Where is Myna? Is she here?"

Billy knew that look of fear.

"She went looking for you.

What is it? What's wrong?"

"What do you mean 

she went looking for me?"

"When she didn't get news 

she began to worry.

She saddled up Lace.

And left in a hurry."

"I must speak with 3Gun.

We have some trouble to outrun."

Billy looked back at the table with a sigh

He wrote a note for Rue

to wait for him and why.

The two went to the Sheriff's office

To find 3Gun locking up a drunkard.

"Lorne!" What are you doing ...?"

"My wagon was ambushed.

I was quite outnumbered.

We need to talk and soon."

"Let's talk at the saloon."

3Gun locked the prisoner up tight.

And the three set out into the night.

"How long ago did Myna set out?"

"Perhaps about noon."

Lorne's face clouded with worry.

He wanted to get this out in a hurry.

"We have ourselves a situation,"

Lorne said with vexation

"Tex Mex is regrouping

for revenge, against BG."

He left his message with me.

He knows about the gold

And this is what I was told.

"If you don't surrender the town to him

along with the gold deed.

The town will be burnt

to the ground

there will be nothing

left to be see."

"This is federal matter now

But 3Gun you're the lead.

I will do whatever you decide

You just tell me what you need?"

"But I don't like that Myna hasn't returned.

Our paths should have crossed.

I can't imagine she got lost."

"I have to go find her, 

and bring her back

Then you can tell me what you plan to do

To keep BG safe from Tex's payback." 

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