The Plan

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 - Chuck I don't know. - You say - I can't leave Dean and my kids behind. Mary just said her first words and Dean... I just can't.

 - I understand.

 - What will happen if you find him and try to change him alone?

 - I won't do it.

 - Why?

 - I've been thinking a lot, I can't kill him, he's my son and I can't just lock him away for a mistake I did, giving him the mark. So as alone I can't change him and without you I don't have enough power to do it I won't do anything.

 - What about the angels? Can't they help you?

 - I would need to double the angels, make thousands of them to help me or I would need the archangels, that way maybe I could fight him and bring him back.

 - Is it that powerful? The spell, the effects of the mark on him?

 - Yes. (Your Name) I would need my archangels plus all the other angels to fight him. But all of my archangels are dead except him. Gabriel, Raphael, and you killed Michael so they are all gone. I can't remake them, its a tone of work to remake each one of them and I don't have time to do it. If I don't act right now..

 - Promise me that my kids, Dean and the boys will be safe and I will do it. - You look to Dean and Mary still laying there - My coven wants to take me and kill me to make a spell and bring my mother back, they trust her better as a leader. I know that even if they don't do the spell, that they will look for Dean, my kids, Sammy, Adam. Chuck, - you look to him - if you promise me that you will protect them, keep all of them safe, away from the witches. I will do it. I love all of them - tears get to your eyes - and it breaks my heart to leave them but if Lucy destroys the world we will have nothing, all of them will be gone, me included.

 - I will keep them safe. Wherever it happens on the battlefield.

 - If I die out there, can you bring me back.

 - I will try.

 - I will help you Chuck.

 - Thank You. - He gets up from the chair he was still sit and approaches you - I know how hard it is for you to leave all of them behind.

 - Chuck if I survive our encounter with Lucy I promise you, I will never leave them again. I left them too many times, I won't do it again. Not even the witches will make me do it. I swear.

 Chuck smiles at you and kisses you in the forehead. You wake and sit up immediately, Dean was awake, picking up Mary's toys from the floor.

 - What happened? - He asks.

 You look to Mary that was still sleeping right beside you.

 - Dean, I'm sorry. - You say while getting up.

 - Sorry? - You grab some cloths and a bag while he approaches you - Sorry for what (Your Name)?

 - I have to go.

 - You won't leave. - He grabs your arm making you stop- Not again.

 - I'm sorry. - You look at him - I'm so sorry.

 - We have two kids at home. Look at Mary, she just said her first words, she needs her mother here, and James, he's only three months old, and you are still breastfeeding him.

 - Give him a supplement while I'm gone.

 - You know he needs you.

 - I know but I have to go. - You set your arm free and carry on packing your bag.

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