Trust Me

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- So what do you want to eat? - You ask Crowley.

- I don't know. Something. - He answers.

Mary reaches for your hand.

- What? - You ask her.

She grabs your fingers and gives you a vision. You see yourself back in the hell when Crowley kidnapped her.

- What is this? - You ask.

You see Crowley getting in the room but he didn't see you. He put Mary over a table. She was smiling to him but he only looked at her. Suddenly an bright white light starts coming out of her. You know that was when your link to her broke. He tries to touch her but she grabs his finger with her tiny hand. The light fill the room. The hell broke, all the demons were killed and by grabbing his hand she save him.

You get back to the reality and she takes her hand back.

- Why did you do it baby?

She smiles and touches your hand again.

You have another vision. You see yourself, years in the future with Mary, Crowley was there too. Mary must had 7 years old or more.

- Mummy. - She says - Look.

You look to where she was pointing and see Crowley, older, with a woman by his side. Mary runs to him and hugs him. You approach them.

- Crowley? - You ask surprised.

- Uncle Crow, - Mary says letting go the hug.

- Hey pumpkin.

 - I'm so happy you came.

- I couldn't miss it darling.

You come back to the reality.

- You knew it? You knew at that time that he would become human?

She giggles and you look to Crowley.

- What just happened? - Crowley asks you.

- Nothing. - You answer - Cas. - You call him - Can you hold Mary for me?

- Yes.

He takes your daughter in his arms.

- Show him. - You say to her.

She grabs Cas's hand and shows him the visions that she showed you. Meanwhile you start making something for your daughter to eat and a sandwich for Crowley.

- Is this true? - Cas says when she brings him back to reality.

- It is. - You answer putting the sandwich for Crowley on the table and go back to prepare the food for Mary - I guess my kids can predict the future. James did something just like that when we were still in the hospital. He showed to me and Dean a scene where the four of us were in a baseball field, they were older. It was beautiful. Well let's eat.

You take Mary on your arms and sit down in front of Crowley. You feed her. She was giggling while you made a airplane of the spoon making her eat. That's when you felt Dean come in the bunker. He felt you too but he decided to take the crib to your room with Adam's help before he went to see you.

- Hey. - Rowena says coming out of the nursery.

- Hey. - Dean says - Is Mary asleep?

- No, James. I put him in Mary's crib and just stayed here for a while more. Mary is with (Your Name).

- Why did you stay here?

- I just... I had to.

- Why?

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