Cast Him Out!

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You wake up with Sam yelling your name.

- Sam? - You say opening your eyes.

- Finally you're awake!

- Where's Dean? - You sit up.

- I don't know. He wasn't here when I wake up.

- We gotta save him. - You say getting up.

- Hey, hey. - He holds your arms - You're bleeding. You need to take care of this.

- Sam your brother is out there with Michael.

- I know but I'm not gonna let you two bleed out. Come here. - He takes you to a chair and he sees that your wound were beeing healed - What's happening?

- Michael. He's healing Dean.

Cas shows up with Mary in his arms. You approach him.

- How do you feel? - He asks.

- Good. Michael is healing Dean so... - You show him your arms and the wounds dissapear - How's she?

- She's good. You want to hold her.

- I'm full of blood Cas. I can't hold her like this. Take care of her ok? I need to save Dean.

- You are not going anywere. - Sam says.

- Excuse me? - You turn to him.

- I said that you're not going anywhere. We need to think first, to make a plan.

- We need to bring him back Sam!

- I know! But look at me (Your Name). We need a plan.

- I had a plan. If Michael didn't take control of his body it all would be over by now.

- What was the plan? - He asks and you just look down - What was the plan (Your Name)?

- Doesn't matter.

- What was the plan?

You look to his eyes with a look of anger and sadness in your face.

- There's only one thing that can end this and you know it.

- What? - He sees that you were looking at the angel blade across the room - You think that's the way? Well it's not.

- Dean and I are cool with it.

- Well I'm not! You two have a kid.

- I know but the witches will bring us back and we kill him.

- No! No way!

- What are you gonna do to stop me?

- I'm not gonna stop you. We are going to make a plan, find Michael and take him out of Dean.

- What plan?

- Well...

- Oh you're slow. Cas give Mary to Rowena please.

- Why? - He asks you.

- Rowena you will be here taking care of Mary. - Cas gives the baby to her arms - Cas, you told me once that it's possible to hack an angel's brain.

- Yeah but you need a thing to do it and that's very painful.

- It's ok. I think he can handle it. Go grab that thing now please. - Cas dissapears. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You stay still for a minute.

- What's happening? - Sam asks.

- I just send the coven a message. We gonna need all of that strenght. - You snap your fingers and Crowley shows up - I'm gonna need you.

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