I put it on. I see Kaylee is still asleep. I go downstairs and see him beating my mom's ass. "Stop!" I scream punching him in his face and head. He punches me back in my face causing me to fly across the living room and into the wall.

"I told you to get one fucking dress and you got 5 of em'!" He yells punching and spitting in my mom's face. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Stop!" She screams. "Do what I say the next time or that's your ass for good!" He yells in her face.

"I understand" she says nodding. "Go upstairs and get ready to suck some dick!" He demands. My mom nods walking out the room.

"When you get back from school tomorrow you sucking dick, understand?" He asks. I nod. "If even try to one of your shenanigans again that's your ass!" He says pointing his finger in my face. "Understand?" He asks.
I nod looking away.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He demands snatching my face towards his. "Understand?!" He asks again. "Yes" I mumble. "Yea" he says looking at me like he's hard. He sloppily kisses me and pushes me away.

"Go upstairs and start the shower. I'll be up there after I'm done with your momma." He says. I nod going up the stairs. I cannot believe this is happening. Life is beating the fuck out of my ass. Not for long. It just takes a little bit more and I'm snapping the fuck out.

I go upstairs and start the shower like he says. I take my clothes off and wait in the bathroom as I silently cry. I look at the door as he walks in already naked. While we were in there he made me play him.

I get out drying off. The feeling..is none. I'm pissed. Am I? I guess. I guess I'm feeling all type of emotions

He already left out the room. I feel so nasty. I can't even get in the shower without being molested. I fucking hate life RIGHT NOW!

I get out and see Kaylee on the bed watching Mickey Mouse. One thing I do know is he will not touch her, and she will not grow up like this.

I put on a gray and white adidas track outfit. I put on some matching shoes to go with it. I take Kaylee a bath and put her in her matching outfit. I grab her and leave out.

"What did I say you walk around in?" The man Growls at me. I don't even know his name and he acting like my daddy; guardian. "I have to drop Kaylee off and go to school." I say. He looks at me like he's studying me. "Go" He demands.

I got Kaylee some breakfast from McDonalds, and we're sitting in the parking lot of her pre-k school waiting for her to finish her breakfast. "All done!" She says smiling and showing home her trash. "Good Job mama!" I say kissing her cheek and taking her trash out her hand.

I put it in her front seat, then unbuckle my seatbelt and get out. I go to her side in the backseat and undo her car seat. I grab some wipes on the floor and wipe the jelly and bread crumbs off her face.

I take the wipe and put it in the empty McDonalds bag. "C'mon mama" I say picking her up and closing and locking my door. I put her down and walk her into the daycare.

"Well hello Ms..What's happened to your face?" Mrs.Carrie says. "Not very nice Mrs.Carrie!" Kaylee says pointing her finger at Mrs.Carrie. "It's okay Kaylee. I had slipped and fell when I was boiling water to make me some noodles" I lie.

"Oh okay. My apology for the mean outburst" she apologizes. "No problem." I say. "Alright bye Kaylee." I say waving at her. "Bye Kayla." She says taking Mrs.Carrie's hand.

I smile and go back to the car. When I got to school the tardy bell was just ringing. I go to the attendance office and get my tardy slip for my first period. I go into the room.

"Tardy slip?" She asks. I give it to her. All eyes are on my face. "Gotdamn who the fuck beat you up?" This boy Kyree asks aloud making everyone in the class laugh. I sit down in the front ignoring him. "Look like the chip and dell!" He says laughing making everyone fall out laughing.

I look at my teacher remaining quiet. All the stuff that my dad and mom has said to me, what he's saying does not phase me. "Big face ass, limp face ass, uh uh got pimped face ass" he raps making everyone crack up for real.

"Bullying will not be tolerated in my class Kyree!" My teacher snaps on him making the class fall out. Kyree starts snickering and mumbling to the other students.

"I'm serious Kyree I will write you up and the others who encourage bad behavior! You come to school to learn and succeed! Not to bully other classmates and make your teacher cry!" She goes off on him. "Your mom will be receiving a call from me today! This has gotten out of control!" She snaps on him.

"Look my momma don't care..I don't even know where her ass at. She prolly somewhere getting her crack fix. What the fuck I'm suppose to be scared for. I live on my own, and I'm on my own. Call her if you want to you waisting time because she not gone answer." He says being serious for once.

My teacher pulls her phone out letting everything he said go in one ear and out the other. "I'm telling you she not gone answer..cause when I went to sign myself for school I put a fake number on there" he jokes making the class bust out to laughing.

"We're sorry the number your trying to reach is not in service. Please check the number and dial again.." we hear as she hangs up cutting the voice out making the class laugh.

Kyree moves up to a seat beside me. "Let me touch" he says touching my face. My nerves are real bad somebody putting there hand in my face is not safe at all.

I don't know how good I can fight but I'm about to find out. I stand up then punch him hard in his jaw. Making the whole class "ooh!".
I keep going he starts punching me back and now we having a full blown out fight.

I'm not losing but he ain't either. I get yanked away from the guard. "Get the fuck off me!" I scream punching the guard in his eye. I ignore Kyree as I grab my backpack and put it on my back. The guard rushes over to me with a bloody eye.

Damn. I'm about be in filmore for a while. He puts my hands behind my back and put them in cuffs. "Bitch watch yo back!" Kyree yells trying to get out the guards arms as people look in awe and record us. I stick my middle finger up walking out with the guard.

My mom came and picked me up. She keeps mumbling under her breath and stuff. When we get to the house. I see that man I saw this morning and he's sniffing crack on the table. He stands up and comes over to me.

He slaps the mess out of me making me fall to the ground. No. Nope. I'm not going to react. Reacting doesn't get you nowhere. Right?

"You like being cuffed huh?" He asks. "Go get in uniform ill be up there tonight." He says. "I have to get Kaylee" I say. "Go get the lil bitch!" He demands my mom.

I get up and storm upstairs. Lord please c'mon now. When he got in there he had a police man outfit on. Is this really happening to me right now. He comes over to me feeling and touching on me.

"Take it off" he says. I do as said. He cuffs me up to the bed. Anytime now Jesus!

Luv you, bye❤️

Ups and Downs: Can't Run From PainWhere stories live. Discover now