Pacifica X Reader

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You weren't sure of what it was, but you knew it was terrifying, and good, so it couldn't be possibly doing you any harm. Maybe you just really liked being around her.

You only knew that, whatever it was, you deep down hoped she was feeling the same. You weren't certain why, but you wanted her to be feeling it all back, mostly because a part inside you told you things would be difficult if she wasn't. 

Perhaps that was the point you truly realized what was happening. 

You were falling in love with Pacifica Northwest, and it was the greatest feeling possible. 

The greatest feeling soon became a hurricane of thoughts, insecurities and trying to turn those feelings off as fast as possible. You couldn't be in love with her. She was your best friend. You couldn't bear to ruin your friendship because of some silly crush. A silly crush that was taking too long to go away, that was capable of making your heart beat faster, and at the same time, stop beating at all. That made you feel as a helpless little child, as you couldn't do anything else, but to look at her and hope she'd guide you throughout the darkness, until the end of times. 

You wanted those feelings to be over, but you couldn't. Not when she'd look at you like that, or laugh at you like that, or when she'd wave you goodbye, or hug you at the morning, you simply couldn't. You tried everything you could to control yourself, to keep your friendship as good as it was before, because if your insecurity won't let you confess, then at least you'd keep the best thing that had happened to you. 

You kept things like that. Until she was the one to be distant. She wouldn't want to go out with only you anymore, she wouldn't want to stay up late watching silly movies with you, or to do anything with you. She would barely look at you into your eyes. Perhaps you had done something, perhaps you had said something, perhaps she had realized you were helplessly in love with her. 

Your head was a complete mess, and you didn't know what to do anymore. You wanted to feel mad at her, but every sentence that could involve "mad" and "her" would be, I'm mad for you, and those thoughts stole your head, stole your heart, and took over your life. You couldn't figure what you've done, and you couldn't figure why she wasn't talking to you, but you would still catch her glancing at you during classes, and why she'd look away anytime you'd notice her gaze. 

You could've avoided it, you could've done many things, but you couldn't just sit quiet and watch her leave like that. You needed to know what had happened. Even if she'd say she hated you, even if she'd be disgusted by your crush, it didn't matter anymore, you were tired of her being so quiet about it. You'd take anything, as long as you were able to hear her voice once again, before probably saying goodbye forever. 

So you confronted her. 

The school halls were empty, no one to listen, no one to see, no one to be the witness to what you considered the end of your life. Only you, and her. 

"Pacifica!" You yelled, though unsure, insecure, doubting if you really needed that. If you should really put yourself through that situation. It was too late to give up, anyways. 

"H-hey?" She answered, closing her locker, but yet, staring directly at her own shoes. Gosh, she'd still wear the shoes you gave her a year ago. How could she be that mad at you, if she didn't bother giving away things that reminded her of you? How could she be so mad that she'd still have her bios in social medias with lines of your favorite songs? Of songs you showed her, and that were yours forever?

"What happened?" You asked, going straight to the point. "What the fuck happened?" 

"What are you talking about?" Still not glancing at you. You wanted to scream. 

"What I'm talking about? Why have you been ignoring me? What did I do? P-Please, I need to know," great, your voice was cracking. 

"You didn't do a thing" 

"Then why are you ignoring me?" Perhaps you were about to cry, but when she looked up to, finally, meet your gaze, you realized she was the one crying. 

"I-I can't" 

"Wait, wait right there, you're not going anywhere until you tell me, what happened? Was it something I've done?" 

"Yes," she answered shaking her head. You felt time freeze, your heart stopped. So it was you. What could you have possibly done to her to get her like that? You broke down at the sound of that word. 


"You made me fall for you, and that's so not fair, I...," she seemed to realize what she'd said, and stopped talking, back to glancing at her own shoes. You, hesitantly, walked closer to her. 

"What did you just say...?" 

"You made me fall for you" 

"What's that supposed to mean?" At that point, you were pretty much sure you could only be dreaming. 

"I said you made me fall for you!" She shouted back, glancing at you, "It means I love you! More than the friend type of I love you..." 


That was longer than my one shots usually are. Honestly, I just feel Paz is this type of person. And holy fuck god knows how hard it's to fall in love with a best friend, and realize it. It's so fucking stupid, and kinda painful, I guess. 

Anyways, man, I noticed that my one shots with female characters have more votes, are you all a bunch of straight guys, or are you all just gay? lmao 

I'm not in position to judge anyone *sigh* damn 

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