“N-nothing…” The Prince replied as his shoulders shook and waved his hands. 

Still, Gale was puzzled and looked at Konoki only to be met by watchful eyes without a hint of amusement.

Gale gulped as she avoided his gaze. “What the heck? Why are you looking at me like that? Weren’t you and Cedar on good terms?” She cried in her mind.

“Did my father said anything else?” The prince inquired after he managed to calm himself.

“He told you not to show your trump card until the last minute.”

“He always says that so much it hurts my ears. What else?”

“...goodluck.” Konoki answered.


“......there’s nothing else to add, my Lord.”

“That old bastard…” The prince grimaced and then brought out a sealed envelope and gave it to the ninja guy. “Go.”

Konoki glanced at the letter and took it. He bowed without saying a word and as fast as he came, he vanished within the shadows, not leaving any traces.

After that, the morning passed uneventfully and Cedar only stayed in one spot for hours. But his body was well-trained and used to remaining completely idle. So, it didn't give him any problems physically.

With that said, it was another thing for Gale’s mentality. She's bored to death and was itching to move here and there.

She tried to gather every last bit of her patience and concentration to not fall asleep. Then Gale noticed that she's being watched.

Sure enough, when she turned her head, her gaze met the Crown Prince's eyes. Caught by his aquamarine orbs, Gale felt her face warming up and her heart thumped a bit faster than usual.

“Eherm…” She cleared her throat whilst avoiding the prince’s stare. 

She was an actress who's never bothered by the camera flashes and the public’s scrutinizing eyes. But strangely, when it comes to this prince, she gets too conscious when he looks at her. It was as if he could see through her soul and that she felt naked.

Naked. That word had just reminded her of the scene that she saw earlier. With that thought, Cedar's face flushed.

“Seriously… are you sick?” 

The knight jolted when he heard the prince’s voice right next to his right ear. It seems that the prince stood up and stepped closer.

Caught off-guard, Cedar took a step back and without realizing it, he placed his right hand on his ear.

“N-no… I’m f-fine, Your Highness.” He stuttered.

Alexander raised his brow and stepped forward, while Cedar took another step backward.

Noticing his red face, the Prince grinned. “Hoh~? Are you being conscious of me now?”

“I-I wasn’t…” Cedar faltered.

“Then,” Alexander stepped closer once more and as expected, Cedar also moved backward. “Why are you avoiding me?”

“Huh? I… I would never dare, Your Highness…”

“You just did.” Alexander retorted a flicker of amusement glinted in his eyes. “..and you’re also stuttering.”

“That…” Cedar was speechless. He couldn’t talk back as he was busy avoiding the prince's advances while they speak.

“Was it because of what happened this morning?” Alexander asked with an air of innocence. “Because I was naked?”

“Damn it! Don’t say that with that kind of face!” Gale shouted in her mind. “Ho-how could that be? It’s not like it was the first time… right?” She answered, still trying to calm herself.

“Hmmm… that’s true.” Alexander nodded. “But it was the first time that we kissed though.”

“Waaaahh!!! Don’t! Please don’t!” She pleaded in her head as her mask as Cedar slowly broke into pieces. “Your Highness… please just forget it.”

“Hm?” Alexander advanced forward with a smile on his face. “Don’t wanna.”

Gale wanted to run as far as possible from Alexander but it was impossible and rude. Also, Cedar, the one who owned this body before would never leave the Prince’s side on his duty. Furthermore, she could already feel the wall on her back, thus there was no room for retreat.

“Y-your highness…”

“I could never forget such a sloppy kiss.” Saying this, Alexander moved his face close to Cedar’s face while his arms propped on the wall. He trapped the knight who was a palm shorter than him. “As a friend concerned about your future, should I teach you?”

“No, thank you.” Cedar flatly rejected, forcing a smile towards the prince. “Moreover, it’s not common for men to kiss each other.” He tried to reason out. After all, Alexander has an image to keep.

“It’s not common, indeed.” The prince agreed. “But it’s not like it’s rare either.”

“What the hell? Is this prince alright in the head?”

“Besides, there’s only the two of us here.” Alexander deliberately whispered into his ears, his breath tickling Cedar’s skin.

Then the prince abruptly pulled him close by his waist.

Cedar’s whole body stiffened from the unfamiliar sensation.

The prince then raised Cedar’s head by his chin, while Alexander runs his thumb on his knight’s lower lip.

She shuddered. Gale was against Cedar and the Prince’s kiss. But she was still conflicted because she feels otherwise. 

After experiencing the skillful kiss earlier, she knew that she's hooked. It was addictive and it’s something she never had in her past life, thus she was yearning for it. 

However, although she doesn’t mind those who chose the same sex as partners, she didn’t have that mentality. That’s why, even though she secretly had a thing for this god-like royalty, she still wanted to remain straight-- for acting purposes and respect to the former Cedar.

“Your Highness, this is..." He turned his head away although his knees are starting to weaken.

“Ssshhh… you should remember this lesson well.” Alexander told him as he held Cedar’s head in place and his face closed in.

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