Chapter Seventy-Four:

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"There she is!" Harry smiled as he spotted me across the hospital reception. He strode over to me and crushed me against his chest. "I'm so glad they've caught him and that you're coming home." He whispered into my hair. He took the bag out of my hand and wrapped his free arm around my shoulder as we headed out of the hospital I was finally able to leave. "How are you feeling?" he asked as he nodded at the receptionist on the way out.

"Amazing" I smiled. "The stitches don't hurt and I get to leave this depressing place. Nothing feels better than this at the moment."

"Try being in my shoes. I get to bring you home knowing you'll be safe." He grinned. "That's the best feeling ever."

"Alright you win" I laughed. He kept his arm around my shoulders until we got to his car. He opened the door for me and didn't move until I was sat down with my belt on. "I'm not an invalid you know" I shook my head and smiled as he slid into the drivers seat.

"I know. I just want to make sure you're okay." He started the engine and pulled out of the car park.

The radio was on as we drove through the streets, the voice of the presented broke through my thoughts. "…and It's good news for the lads of One Direction, the wife of Harry Styles who was shot on the courtroom steps has finally left the hospital. The boys are heading over to Ireland tomorrow morning."

I looked at Harry who was looking at the road in confusion. "I wonder how they know." He mumbled. He flicked the radio station over as the next song came on. "We've got you a ticket to Ireland." He briefly looked at me as he spoke. "Can you fly?"

I twisted the hospital bracelet I still had on my wrist; I hadn't had a chance to take it off. "I think so. I've got enough antibiotics to last a life time so I should be fine."

"Awesome." He grinned. "This is going to be great. We leave at 7 tomorrow morning and fly at half 8, so we've got all of today for me and you to do nothing and chill out."

"Sounds great" I smiled. I wanted nothing more than to spend time with him. The last week had been horrible. I'd felt so lonely in the hospital when he wasn't there with me everyday.

We drove the rest of the way in silence, every so often his hand would squeeze my knee softly and I'd look up and smile, but that was it. We arrived at the apartment and the first thing I did was have a long shower.

I came out of the shower in my towel to find Louis sat on the bed. He was texting someone, but looked up when he noticed I'd walked in. "Can I see your scar now?" He asked excitedly.

I nodded and opened my towel to show him. He pulled me closer and traced it with his finger. The stitches were already starting to dissolve and the bullet hole had near enough healed completely. "It's ugly isn't it?" I sighed. He softly kissed the round scar that was where the bullet had hit me and looked up at me.

"It's not ugly. It's part of you now and that will automatically make it beautiful." I felt myself blush at his words and I suddenly became shy. I wrapped my towel around me again and shook my head. "Come here." He pulled me to sit next to him and tilted my chin up so my lips were nearer to his. "It's not ugly." He whispered before kissing me.

Things sort of progressed from there, until he stopped. "Can we, you know?" He whispered. "What about your stitches?"

"It'll be fine." I giggled and pulled him down so his lips met mine again.

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now