Chapter Twenty-Eight:

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Harry's sister came bursting through the door followed byAnne. She went straight to Harry. He laughed as he hugged her.

"Hi Lilo i'm Gemma." I smiled at her.

Robin came in with our drinks and I took mine off him, grateful to have something in my hands so I didn't sit there spinning the ring round and round on my finger with nerves.

"So, Lilo"Robin began. "What is it you're doing in university?" He sat down on the last free sofa and Anne followed him.

"Art." I took a sip from my coffee and nearly burnt my mouth. "Smooth Lilo." I thought.

We'd been chatting about my degree and their jobs for a while when Gemma spoke.

"Hey, Lilo do you want to go to the cinema?" she asked.

Harry squeezed my hand and I looked at him for help. I didn't know what the plans were for the rest of the day. I didn't want to say yes and then mess anything up.

"We can if you want." He said low enough so only I could hear. "You don't have to."

"No, it's fine, as long as you come with me."

He chuckled quietly. "Sure." He then looked at his sister and said "We'll both go with you. What should we see?" She squealed with excitement and ran at me. She hugged me like we'd known each other for years.

Harry and I stood up as his sister rushed off to get their shoes.

"Mum, don't cook; I'll take us out for tea, my treat."

"Oh Harry, you spoil me!" she laughed, pulling in him for a hug.

I was grabbing my handbag and sunglasses out of Harry's car when I heard a gasp. I turned around to see Gemma staring at my hands. I looked down and realized she was looking at my bag.

"Is that Prada?" She asked.

"Yeah" I held it out to her so she could have a look.

"It's beautiful" she sighed, looking at it closely. "When did you get it?"

"About a year ago. I fell in love with it and saved for months to get it! It was the greatest day ever going into the shop to get it."

"I bet it was. Where do you work?" she reluctantly handed it back to me and I took it.

"Starbucks" I answered as we walked over to the car. Harry was already in the driver's seat, adjusting it so it was in the right position for him.

"That's so cool. You have like, the coolest life." She sighed as she swung the door open.

I got into the passenger seat next to Harry and we pulled out of the drive. I turned around as much as I could in my seat and looked at the girls in the back.

"What are we going to watch?" I asked.

She was naming every different film that was out. Harry laughed. I turned to face him.

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