Chapter Sixty-Six:

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(A few years later)

I sighed as I placed my bags on the floor next to the door. Work was stressing me out so much. There was this one case which was eating away at my sanity. I kicked my shoes off further in the room and slumped down into the sofa. The apartment was empty as the boys were on another mini UK tour, so I was all by myself. I heard a soft thud that sounded as though it came from the bedroom but I knew it couldn't have been anything in there, so I assumed it was the people living upstairs.

I checked the time. The large clock hung over the fire place and pretty much filled the wall. A flash of pink underneath it caught my eye. I pushed myself off the sofa and headed to the card which was resting on the mantle piece. The envelope simply said "Lilo" in Harry's typical scrawl.

Smiling, I opened it with my finger and pulled out the card. I flipped straight to the message inside like I always did, I'd read the outside after. Harry's writing filled it.

"To Lilo,

Happy 3rd anniversary! I can't believe we've been married this long! I'm surprised you haven't killed me yet, haha! I'm gutted we're on tour and I can't be with you, but I'll be back soon. Thank you for the greatest 4 years of my life and hopefully the many more to come. All my love,

Harry xx"

I grinned as I read it for a second time before closing the card and reading the front. I was interrupted by another thump. This time it was definitely from the bedroom. I stood the card up on the mantle piece and headed through to check it out.

I pushed the door open with my shoulder as I folded up the envelope and gasped when I realised what it was. Harry was lying on our bed, his arms crossed on the pillow with his head resting in his hands. He was grinning at me, but stayed where he was. I'd found the cause of the thumps.

"You…What?... How?" I stuttered. "You're on tour!"

"I was" He got up off the bed and headed over to me. He placed his hands on my waist, kissed my forehead and carried on. "Tonight was our night off, I thought I'd come home and see you."

He laughed as I hugged him tightly; my face nestled in his chest. "Happy anniversary" I mumbled.

"Happy Anniversary. I found your card in my suitcase. Thank you." He kissed the top of my head.

"Thanks for mine too."

My lips met his as we fell backwards and landed on the bed.

His warm hand lightly played with my hair as I dozed lightly on his chest.

"I have to go soon." He sighed.

That certainly shocked me awake. "How come?" I didn't want him to go. Sometimes I hated the fact he was in a band, such as tonight, when he had to leave me.

"I need to get back tonight so I can travel to Ireland with them tomorrow." He explained, I could hear the sorrow in his voice. "I'm sorry, but at least we got to spend some time together."

I smiled at him. "It's okay". I kissed him on his bare chest and he pulled me tight against him. "Some time is better than no time." I sighed. We lay together until he really did have to go.

I leant against the door and watched as he headed to the lift, he was walking backwards so he could see me. He smiled sadly before entering the lift and leaving me for another month and a half. I suddenly felt empty and very lonely.

Sighing, I closed the door and went into the kitchen to get a drink. On the table was a massive bunch of flowers. Orange roses were scattered amongst pink, green and lilac flowers that I couldn't name for the life of me. I leant close to them and breathed in the light, floral scent. I quickly grabbed my phone from my pocket and sent him a text thanking him, before taking a photo and tweeting it to the many followers I'd collected over the years due to being his girlfriend and then wife.

I quickly received a reply: "It's my pleasure. I wanted to be there when you saw them but we kinda got caught up! ;) xx"

I replied before putting my phone on the table and cooking myself one of the many meals for one that I'd be making for the next month or so.

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now