Chapter Seventeen:

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"Stay close" Harry whispered into my ear, wrapping his arm around my waist. "We don't have time to stop so we just have to keep going."

My heart was pounding in my chest. I could barely hear Harry over the screaming of the fans. Some were screaming, some were shouting and some were trying to get the group to sing the chorus of their newest single. One girl, I noticed, was sobbing her heart out. Tears were streaming down her face, her eyes were puffy and her cheeks were bright red. I never realized the effect the guys had on people!

The boys waved and called out their thanks for them being there. The security guard explained to the crowd that they couldn't stop. Before I knew it we were at check in and the screaming people were behind us.

"You get used to it after a while." Danielle said smiling at me. "At first I was terrified and shook like a leaf, but now it's normal."

"Thanks." I smiled. We checked in our bags and went into the first class departure lounge. The boys went to talk to their manager so I chatted with Danielle and Bay about what we were going to do in L.A while the boys were working.

"We should go to Melrose Avenue and Rodeo Drive. I've always wanted to go there." Danielle said. She'd never been to L.A either. The boys had but we hadn't.

"Yeah, we should and we have to spend loads of time on the beach! I want to get a tan." Bay grinned.

"You'll never get a tan. You'll just burn, you always do Bay, L.A sun isn't going to be any different." I laughed.

"A girl can dream." She sighed.

"Just get an American spray tan then you can say you got a tan in America." Danielle laughed.

"That's such a good idea! I'll do it on the last day then people will think I'm really brown!"

"Until you shower." I added.

"You're such a pessimist Luce!"

"I know" I smiled. "I can't help it!"

The boys all turned around and walked over to us. Harry and Louis were mucking around and laughing. Liam strolled straight over to Danielle and peeled her away from the group.

"We're going to have a look around. See you in a bit guys!" Liam called.

Harry and Louis stopped what they were doing and watched them go.

"We are too, come on Lilo." Harry grabbed my hand and led me towards the exit into the long stretch of duty free shops.

Lights reflected off everything. The floor was shining like crystals; the windows of the shops were so clean they looked as though there were empty gaps where they should be. I'd been in an airport before but I'd never seen a duty free section like this. It was huge! It seemed to be the same size as the rest of the airport, full of shops, café's and restaurants.

"Don't look so shocked, wait until you get to L.A" Harry smiled.

"Oh god, I can only imagine, this is amazing! Where are we going?" My head was whipping around trying to get a look at everything.

"Wherever you want to go. I want to get you whatever you want so you remember this trip forever." He stopped and looked around with me. "So where shall we go?"

"That is so sweet! But you don't have to. Everything must be like the same price as a small house. I can't let you do that!"

"You can and I will do it. Come on, we'll go over here." He pulled me towards the left.

He pulled me through, dodging people. He got looks of recognition from some people and blank looks from others. We finally stopped and I looked up to see where he'd brought me.

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now