Chapter Sixty-Seven Part 1:

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The next morning I woke up to an empty bed, as expected. I knew I'd be alone but it still didn't prepare me for the sinking feeling in my heart. I already missed him again however I knew I had to get on with things. I still had this annoyance of a case to deal with.

I threw the covers off and slipped my feet into Harry's slippers, he'd forgotten to take them with him. I decided what to wear and got ready for work.

It was pouring with rain as I pulled into a parking space outside the court and opened the door. A gust of wind blew rain drops onto my clothes and face, causing me to sigh as I picked up my bag from the empty passenger chair. Deciding it was now or never I jumped out of the car, slammed the door and jogged to the stairs of the court house. It was occupied by a few people smoking or waiting for someone. As I reached the top I heard someone call my name. I spun around to look and that's when the gun sounded and the bullet hit me.

I fell to the ground to the soundtrack of screams and shouts. The smokers rushed over to me, their cigarettes long forgotten. Someone shouted something about phoning 999 and someone pressed something against my wound, causing me to scream with pain. Then things went black.

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