Chapter Forty:

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The loud music filled the room as fancily dressed bodies danced around the apartment. Harry made his way through the people, apologizing to anyone he bumped into as he headed towards me. He had a glass of champagne in each hand and grinned widely as he saw me watching.

"This is mad" he said as he finally reached my by the window and handed me a glass. He took a sip, swallowed and sighed.

"Tell me about it" I grinned "I couldn't imagine a party thrown by you not being mad." His free hand rested on the small of my back as we looked out of the window over the dark city with the glowing street lights.

The door to the apartment opened again and a group of girls entered, I immediately recognized them.

"Hang on a sec, I'll be back now." I excused my self from Harry and went to the door where the girls were gathered.

They were chatting and laughing with each as they hung their coats on the hooks. "Hey guys!" I hugged them all in greeting.

"Hey Lilo, thanks for inviting us, it looks great!" one of them said. She was petite and very pretty. Her long dark hair was perfectly curled and her bright brown eyes were lined with long lashes.

"It's okay Vanessa, thank you for coming! Help your selves to drinks and food" I smiled. They filtered into the room and greeted people they recognized. I went back to Harry by the window and wrapped an arm around his waist. He kissed me on the temple before taking a sip of his drink again.

He took my empty glass and put it down on the table near us and his next to it. He grabbed my hand and led me to where everyone was dancing.

"You know I hate dancing!" I giggled.

"You'll have to learn to love it with me!" He called over the music while Louis did his signature 'Pat the dog and screw the light bulb' I laughed hysterically at the look on his face before joining in with Louis and Harry.

(An hour later)

"Who's that with Louis?" Harry asked as he collected the empty glasses scattered around.

I looked in the direction he was nodding towards and saw what he meant. Nessa was sat next to Louis on the sofa. His arm was draped around her shoulder and they were laughing hysterically. He couldn't take his eyes off her.

"That's Vanessa… you know… Nessa from my uni?"

He looked confused before slowly shaking his head "Nope, never met her."

I looked back at them, their heads were close together, practically touching, as they spoke quietly to each other.

"Oh, I was sure you'd met her. She's really nice. Quite shy but so funny!"

"Louis seems to think so too" he smiled as they sat in their own bubble, laughing and chatting on the sofa.

(two hours later)


The people filling the apartment were lined up near the glass windows that filled the wall. Everyone was chanting down the seconds, holding full glasses of champagne and the hand of their loved one.


Harry grinned at me and nodded towards the kitchen. I turned around to see Louis already kissing Nessa, unable to wait until the new year rolled in. I smiled at Harry as we looked back out of the window.


"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" everyone shouted before the fireworks suddenly exploded into the sky across London. Everyone oohed and aahed as the bright colors lit everything up. A few people spilled out onto the balcony, Harry and Vanessa were with them, their hands firmly linked together.

Harry twisted to face me as a green flash lit up the room. People were running out of the door to the garden below to watch from below. There were only a few of us left in the room.

"Happy new year babe" he whispered. A red flash lit up the room this time, just as his soft lips met mine. Our first kiss of the New Year was unbelievably romantic yet very cheesy. We both laughed as we realized how cliché we'd been.

"Happy new year" I giggled. We slowly followed the remaining people down to the grass outside and stood around watching the night sky flash with every colour known to man.

Louis approached us with Nessa, his arm was draped over her shoulder and she was wearing his jacket. "Hey guys! Have you met Vanessa?" Louis called as he got closer.

"I have indeed." I smiled, "who do you think invited her?" I winked at him.

"I thought she crashed the party." He shrugged jokingly.

Nessa nudged him with her elbow as she laughed, blushing slightly. "I guess you know Lilo then, so this is Harry" Harry said. "Harry this is Nessa."

Harry pulled her into a hug "Nice to meet you."

"You too" she smiled. "Lilo practically gushes about you."

"Does she really?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. "This is interesting news…"

"Oh god!" I laughed. "He loves that." He tickled my ribs and winked at me.

"I'm going to show Nessa around. We'll see you in a bit."

"Okay, see you later." I smiled. I hugged Vanessa goodbye as she grinned at me.

"Nice to meet you Vanessa" Harry called as they headed away from us. Her red dress swished slightly as she walked away, Louis' hand rested under his jacket that she was wearing, on the small of her back. Her head rolled back slightly as she laughed at something he'd said.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my collar bone. "So…you gush about me?" he laughed.

"Oh man!" I giggled. "Once!"

He nibbled my ear lobe "Hmm, I like the thought of you talking about me."

"Don't get used to it" I winked as his eyes met mine. "Come on, we're throwing a party. We can't get…distracted." I smiled as I took his hand and led him to the party.

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now