Chapter Nine:

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I hugged my Mom tightly, breathing in the scent of her Gucci Guilty perfume one last time. I was a few inches taller than her, but my face was buried into her shoulder. She held me tightly. I knew she was trying not to cry. She hated saying goodbye to my brother and I when we go home after a visit. I pulled away and kissed her on the cheek. I then moved on to my Dad, hugging him equally as tight, inhaling the familiar smell of him that's impossible to describe but distinctly him. I kissed him on the cheek as well.

"I love you both." I tried not to cry. I hate saying goodbye to them.

"We love you too." They said in unison.

"Ring me when you get home, I want to know you get there safely." My Mom pulled me in for another hug.

"I will Mom, I promise. I'd better go. I'll see you again soon." I hugged and kissed them both one last time and went and got on my train.

I'd had a really good week with them, catching up on things I'd missed and generally relaxing at home. I managed to finish off my work and catch up with some friends from college and school that I hadn't seen in a long time.

My Mom asked so many questions about Harry, even my Dad liked the sound of him and he's extremely protective. I didn't tell anybody else, I wanted to keep it quiet for Harry's sake, not mine. They may have been my friends but who's to say they wont go to the press?

I found my seat on the train and sat down next to the window. It's a Friday morning so it wasn't very busy. I had the seat where there were four together around a table, there was nobody else there. I put my bag on the chair next to me and rummaged around in it. I pulled out my book and Ipod, tucked my feet under me and got comfy. It was a long ride home.

About two hours into the journey my phone vibrated in the pocket of my jeans.

"Can't wait to see you! Can I pick you up at 8 tonight? Xx" It was off Harry. We'd been texting all week, I missed him. We'd hardly been dating long so I was surprised that I did. He was addictive.

"I can't either! Yeah, can't wait xx"

He replied within seconds. "Awesome! Pack a bag, you're staying at mine ;) xx"

My heart stopped. This was planned. It was a big step. I was excited.

"Ok :P Get back to work ;) xx"

"Yes Sir!" I laughed to myself, put my phone away and found the magazine I had brought with me.

I flicked through the magazine, One Direction's new song came on and then I saw the article. I sucked in a breath in shock! The headline read: "One Direction's Harry Styles with Mystery Girl!" There was a huge photo of Harry and me when he opened the car door for me on our first date. I was facing him, staring into his eyes, the door a thin shield between us. Louis was laughing and I was grinning. I didn't even know there were paparazzi there! My eyes shot to the article.

"Harry Styles, 1/5 of Britain's biggest boy band One Direction was spotted last week with a mystery girl. Harry, 18, was seen going around London with the unknown girl and looking very happy and loved up." It then went on to talk about One Direction's single that's still number one after a month.

I immediately grabbed my phone. "Mom! I'm in Heat magazine! Go and buy it! Xx" I was so shocked to be in a magazine, especially one I'd been reading for years.

"I'll go and get it now! Wooooo! Xx"

I sent Harry a text as well, I didn't tell him about it, I wanted to see his reaction when I showed it to him. "I've got something to show you later! Remind me! Xx"

"Ooh, sounds exciting ;) xx"

I couldn't believe it, I was in complete shock. The rest of the journey flew by. Before I knew it I was getting into a taxi and going home.

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