Chapter Forty-One:

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I wrapped the blanket around me tighter as I flicked through the channels. MTV flicked on just in time for the end of the newest One Direction video. The music was fading out and the image was zooming in on each of the boy's faces. It ended on Harry's face, his eyes slowly blinking before it went black and the music stopped. Before I knew it the MTV news was on, the usual stories about Lady Gaga and Adele came up before one that surprised me. I increased the volume as the presenter spoke.

"One Direction's Louis Tomlinson was spotted with a mystery brunette at a New Years Eve party thrown by fellow band mate Harry Styles and his girlfriend of just under a year Lilo last night. They were seen sitting in the garden of the apartment complex the band lives in. An onlooker said they were giggling and laughing all night, even sharing a midnight kiss. They sent us a photo, check this out…"

A grainy image, clearly taken on a mobile, popped up on the screen. You could see Vanessa sat by the side of Louis smiling up at him, her red dress a sharp contrast to the night sky and Louis' black trousers and jacket, which she had on her shoulders. Louis' arm was around her shoulders and hers were clutching the lapels of his jacket, hugging it around her. The presenter started speaking again…

"The beauty in red is said to be a university friend of Harry's girlfriend. Lucky Louis finding himself a brainy beauty! Stay tuned for more showbiz gossip…"

I rewound the clip on the T.V and paused it just before the feature on Louis and Nessa started. I jumped up and poked my head around the kitchen door.

"Louis, take a look at this." I went back to the sofa and he came with me, followed by Harry. They both flopped down onto the sofa next to me and looked at me curiously. "Just watch this." I pressed play and put the remote next to me.

"Woah" Louis sighed. "They don't waste much time do they. It was this morning!" He rested his head on the back of the sofa and sighed again. "This won't scare her off will it? I really liked her."

"Nah, it seemed to me that she liked you. I doubt it'll scare her." Harry reassured him.

"What do you think Lilo?" He looked at me; his tired eyes seemed genuinely worried.

"I got the impression she likes you as much as you like her. You had fun didn't you? A grainy picture taken on a mobile phone shouldn't scare her off…I just want to know who took it and was stupid enough to leak it?"

"True. She gave me her number. I'll ring her later and ask if she wants to come round or something." He seemed to cheer up a bit at the thought of possibly seeing her again.

Louis stood up and wandered over to the window, looking out into the rainy sky. The window was streaked with rain drops and he traced the track of one with his finger as he put his phone to his ear.

Harry slid up next to me and grabbed the controls. "What time is it?" he asked. We didn't get to bed until half 5 that morning, so we were all a bit tired.

"Half 6" I said looking at the time on my phone.

"Do you think she'll come around now?" he asked quietly so Louis wouldn't over hear. "It's just…I can see he quite likes her. I don't think I've ever seen him like this, you know?"

"I'm not sure. She might. I think she liked him too. She sent me a text earlier saying she really enjoyed and that Louis was great. So who knows?"

Louis' voice filled the room before he stepped into his apartment and disappeared. His voice was reduced to mumbles, the walls muffling the sound. I zipped my hoodie up and went to get a can of red bull from the fridge before sitting back down next to Harry.

"We cleaned up quite quickly, don't you think?" Harry asked as he looked around the room.

"Yeah, there wasn't that much mess, which was a surprise. I thought it would be awful."

"Same. It was a good night…" He was interrupted by Louis coming back into the room.

"She can't come round tonight, but she said she'll come round tomorrow!" He looked like he'd just had Christmas all over again.

"See" Harry started. "I told you she wouldn't be scared off by it! Had she even seen it?"

"Yeah, she saw it online, but she found it funny more than anything."

"You need to relax Louis, you have nothing to worry about." I smiled.

"I know, I know." He wandered into the kitchen and the cupboards started to bang around before he came back in with a sandwich.

(The next day)

There was a gentle knock at the door. I put my text book on the coffee table and went to the door. Before I could get there Louis came barreling through the door between his apartment and Harry's and got there before me. He stopped in front of the door, took a breath and pulled it open.

Vanessa was wearing skinny jeans, boots, a leather jacket and a chunky kitted scarf. Her long hair was pulled into a glossy pony tail. She smiled at Louis as he opened the door wider and gestured for her to come in.

"How are you?" he asked, shutting the door and leaning against it.

"Good thanks, you?" she was half way through unzipping her jacket before Louis jumped into action and stood ready to take it off her. She shrugged her arms and took it off. Louis took it, before she could do anything with it, and hung it on the coat hook.

"I'm good thanks. Did you have a nice day yesterday?" I left the room as he walked her over to the sofa. I clicked the door shut as they sat down chatting about their days.

"Is she here?" Harry asked. He was sat on the bed, pulling on a pair of shoes, his muscular arm flexing as he did it.

"Yep, just got here. You ready to go?" I picked my jacket up off the end of the bed and slipped it on as Harry stood up.

"You bet. Let's go."

I followed him out of the room. Louis and Nessa were sat on the sofa chatting. They both looked up when they noticed we were moving around the room collecting our keys.

"You guys going out?" Louis asked. I smiled at Nessa and she grinned in response.

"Yeah, we're going to have lunch out." Harry said.

"Don't forget I'm cooking tea tonight!" Harry reminded everyone as he got to the door.

"Yes dear!" Louis laughed.

"See you later guys."

"Bye" I called. They waved as we went. The door shut behind us and Harry took my hand in his as we headed towards the lift.

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