Chapter Sixty-Seven Part 2:

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(Harry's POV)

We were sat in the plane, preparing to take off to Ireland for the next stage of the tour. I was laughing hysterically at something Louis had said when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. The number that flashed up was not one I recognized but I answered it anyway. Still laughing, I spoke. "Hello?"

"Is this Mr. Styles?" a woman's voice asked me. If this was another one of those telemarketing things I'd be giving them a piece of my mind. They're so annoying.

"It is."

"Hi, this is the receptionist of St. Pancras Hospital" She replied. Why was the hospital ringing me? I immediately sobered up, nothing was funny, I was worried. Was my mom hurt? Lilo? "We're ringing to inform you that your wife was brought in to Accident and Emergency about an hour ago with a bullet wound to the abdomen. She's currently in surgery. You're listed as her next of kin; can you get to us as soon as possible please?"

My stomach dropped. My heart stopped and my face froze. Lilo. "I'll be there as soon as possible. Where do I need to go?" I stood up as I spoke and slipped out of the chair, Louis looked at me and he seemed confused. I couldn't stop, I ran down the aisle of the plane to the doors.

"Just head to A+E, we'll direct you from there. Please sir, don't worry. She's in good hands."

I hung up on her as I got to the door. The boys, I noticed, were coming behind me, totally confused. "Excuse me sir you need to sit down." The air hostess smiled. Why was she smiling? I wanted to scream at her!

"I need to get off the plane" I sounded calmer than I expected I would.

"Hazza?" Niall asked. "What's going on?"

I ignored him and looked at the woman again, she was still smiling. "I NEED to get off this plane!" I was getting angry now, she knew it.

"Sir we're almost ready for take off." Her fake smile was beginning to crack; I could see she was getting frustrated.

"I need to get off here!" I shouted. "My wife is in hospital! I need to go and see her!" I could hear the boys gasp behind me.

"Please, get us off. We'll go with him." Louis said. I felt his hand on my shoulder and I calmed down but only slightly.

She finally caved; she spoke into her walky talky thing and unlocked the door. The stairs were still there; I sprinted down them before anyone could change their mind and stop me. I didn't stop running until I got through the front doors. I have no idea how I got through the security and stuff, I just did and the boys were behind me the whole time.

I stopped outside the main doors and bent double with my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath. Zayn was trying to get us a taxi and succeeded. We clambered in, all 5 of us, plus our tour manager and I panted "St. Pancras Hospital."

I pressed my fingers to the temples of my head to try and calm myself down. I needed to be calm. I couldn't do anything if I were a state.

"Harry, tell us what they said." Liam spoke quietly. I could tell by his voice that he was worried too. I looked up to find 5 anxious faces looking at me.

"Yeah." Stuart our tour manager said. "Please tell us why we're no longer on a flight to Ireland and the entire tour is in jeopardy." His tone angered me, he seemed to think it was nothing.

"My wife was shot." I replied bitterly. The boys sent worried glances to each other before looking back to me.

"Is she going to be okay?" Zayn asked, his hand on my back.

"I've got no idea. She's in surgery right now or something. She was shot Zayn. Shot. Who the hell would shoot her? What has she done wrong? I just don't understand!" I rubbed my face with my hands as the taxi maneuvered through the streets. It would take us half an hour to get to her from Heathrow.

"Oh gosh Harry. I'm sorry." Stuart apologized, obviously guilty for acting like she had an in growing toe nail or something that was not an emergency at all.

"She'll be fine Harry. Don't stress." Liam reassured me.

We carried on driving in silence until Stuart decided now would be the perfect time to ring and explain that the next few concerts in Ireland were cancelled. Now was not the time! Don't get me wrong, I like the guy, but he was really beginning to grate on me!

We pulled up outside the hospital and I ran inside, straight to the desk in A&E. "I need to see Lilo Styles" The woman looked up at me and smiled.

"You must be Harry. Follow me." She was the woman who I'd spoken to on the phone. She was tiny in her grey dress and flat shoes, her long hair pulled into a sophisticated bun. We walked, far too slowly for my liking, all six of us including her, through countless corridors and up a flight of stairs.

"Ah, there's her surgeon. Harry come with me, can the rest of you stop here please." She beckoned me forward to the tall man in surgical scrubs. His hair was covered by the hat and his mask was still hanging around his neck. His grey eyes were friendly enough. I received reassuring pats on the back from the boys behind me before I went forward and greeted the man.

"I'm Dr. Sims. I operated on your wife. Come this way." He led me into a room containing an empty bed and all the machines. He got straight to business. "Your wife received a gun shot to the abdomen which in turn ruptured her spleen." I could feel myself going pale as he described her situation. "We've removed her spleen and she lost an awful lot of blood." I shakily sat down on the edge of the bed. I wasn't able to say anything. "But I assure you she's going to be alright." He smiled kindly. I chocked up with relief.

"She's had a serious case of open surgery and will be returning to this room shortly. You can wait here for her. She's had a general anesthetic, so will be out of it for a while, but your wife will be here soon." He patted me on the shoulder, clearly understanding that I was in shock. "I'll be back once she's awake to explain to you both what this all means and some other things which need to be discussed." I stood up to shake the hand he extended to me. His hand was cold as he shook it, his grip tight against mine. "She's going to be alright." He winked at me, before leaving the room.

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