Chapter One:

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It is the middle of Summer, the perfect time to enjoy the perfect weather. The temperature has been a fixed 73 degrees for a good three weeks. The perfect time to go to the amusement park, with Rose and Bay. We all have been waiting the whole summer to finally go to the grand opening and here it was.

We all decided to come early and get a good spot in the line. It was actually a good idea. Thousands of people had showed up.

“Once we get in what should we go on first?” Rose asked, the mixes of brown and red in her hair shinned in the sun.

“I think we should go on the 'Mamba'!” Bay said excitedly. I nodded putting my messy blonde hair in a ponytail.

“You guys can ride together, I'll go by myself” I told them

They finally opened the doors, and everyone ran in. We headed straight for the 'Mamba', which looked like a snake. I loved roller coasters, I always have. We quickly ran up several flights of steps until we reached the silver gates. We smiled at each other. Many people filed after us, filling each row for the coaster seats. Bay and Rose were standing in the row next to me. I did't mind riding alone, the three of us. I had a switch off riding alone for the rides, since it was only three of us and a majority of the rides were two seats.

This was ok. Not a problem.

The silver gates opened. As I sat in the far right, a British accent caught my attention. “Do you mind if I ride with you?” he sounded unsure, with a hint of fear behind his somewhat steady voice.

I tilted my head slightly, and shook my head. “Not at all”

As I buckled in, I smiled up at my friends as they are whispering and giggling to each other. I'm not sure what they were giggling about, until I saw them staring at my guest rider. I followed their gaze, I turned my head to see a head of curls, before I could look away, he turned so I could see his clear porcelain face. He caught me staring at him, I meet his emerald eyes with mine.

He blinked. His lips were a thin line, as he clutched his hands repeatedly.

I was so stunned, not sure what to do. Harry freaking Styles was sitting next to me on a freaking roller coaster. I quickly turned away, trying to conceal my inner fan girl and try to hold back my scream. After a few minutes, I turned back to face him.

He smiled lightly at me. I noticed how uneasy he looked, so I raised my brow at him. “First time in a roller coaster?” I asked him calmly.

He smiled again, this time he was laughing a bit, “Is it obvious?”

I nodded, and chuckled. “Well it’s not that bad. Just try to relax yeah?”

He nodded, he swallowed hard as the coaster started to jerks forward. He held onto the bar that was securing his lap, he sighed loudly. “No one dies on these things right?”

“Who told you that? No. Deaths on a roller coaster are like a million to one.”

That didn’t seem to help him, he started to grin maniacally. “So there’s still chances.”

I sigh, shaking my head. “Well, yeah. But it’s really rare. What if I promise you’ll live. Would that help?”

He thought for a moment before nodding, “Yeah. Maybe. I guess.”

“I, Lilo, promise you, Harry, that you will survive this harmless roller coaster.”

Harry seemed to relax at this just as the coaster hits the first hill. It was slow at first as it was taking it’s time down the hill, then as soon as it was ready, it let go. It flies forward, reaching speeds of nearly 80 miles per hour. I screamed excitedly as we hit the curves and tiny hills. Even when we go through a couple loops.

Harry, on the other hand, was screaming out of pure fear. At the second loop he grabbed for my hand. Clutching it. I did’t mind, I just smiled and continued to scream like it’s the day of my life.

When the ride was over, he let go, breathing heavily as the bars let up. “You alright?”

He nodded slowly, unbuckling his seat. “Told you is wouldn’t be that bad,” I got up, smiling at him before going to join the others. I figured he’s here to have a good time and did’t want to be bothered with an autograph or picture or something.

As the three of us reached the end of the exit, Harry pulled my arm a bit, causing me to turn around.

“Erm, sorry. Do you mind if I join you three? I don’t think I can handle another ride unless someone’s with me.” He looks hopeful, a charming grin gracing his used to be fearful expression. My friends nudge each other, whispering again. I ignore them, putting my whole attention back to Harry Styles.

“Yeah. Should be fun.” I smiled at him.

As we walk towards another roller coaster, he took my hand in his. I glanced up at him, noticing the faint blush on his cheeks. His excuse was “Helps me calm down.”

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now