Chapter Twelve

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I was sat on the sofa, my legs tucked under me as I sipped my coffee. I'd been at Harry's for four days. I'd only gone home once to pick up some clothes so I could actually leave the apartment with Harry in something other than what I wore to his the other day.

I looked out the window as I put my book down. The sun was coming up over London. It was 8am, Harry was still asleep. I'd been awake for a while, so I made myself a coffee and grabbed my book I brought with me. It seemed that Harry didn't like waking up early, where as I couldn't avoid it. It's like my body clock wanted me awake. I always had time by myself in the morning without much to do while he carried on sleeping.

Bay had texted me the night before, she wanted me to ring her as soon as I could. Putting my coffee on the table, I stood up. The smell of morning air filled my nose as I opened the balcony doors. The rush of distant traffic subtly filled the morning.

"Hi, it's me. Sorry it's so early; I knew you'd be up though." Bay was like me, always up early.

"Hey" She sounded awful! Her voice was croaky like she'd swallowed gravel. "My nan died last night." Her voice was shaking as she told me.

"Oh my god Bay I'm so sorry!" There's never much to say when someone says a person they loved died.

"I'll be staying for another two weeks for the funeral and to be around family. Do you mind?" I could tell that she was crying now.

"That's fine, don't worry at all!"

"Thanks Lilo, you're great. I'd better go. I'll see you soon."

"See you soon Bay, stay strong."

She was so close to her Nan, she would be really cut up about it. I put my phone in the pocket of my pajama bottoms, went back inside and flicked on the T.V.

"How long have you been up?" Harry yawned as he walked in the living room wearing only his boxers.

"3 hours. Some of us wake up before 9am." He kissed me on the head as he took a sip of my coffee, coffee number 3.

"Help yourself"

"Thanks, I will." He flopped down next to me and looked at my book. "I honestly don't understand how you can read this stuff. It's so…big!"

"It's the amount of words they use. Seriously, it's ridiculous. I have to force myself through them."

"I'd rather you than me. Fancy going out today?”


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