Big Scares

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The camp was in ruins. Our trailers had been spray painted. I'm glad we brought all the horses over to the arena because there was a small bonfire in the middle of their paddock. Luckily he didn't burn any of our stuff. He just threw all our stuff everywhere and wrote "I will find you" in spray paint everywhere.

We immediately called the number. The police got here within minutes and asked us lots of questions. They told us not to leave yet, so we looked for stuff to do around here. We entered in the parade and a cattle drive. That would keep us here for three days.

We all got ready for the parade. We made our own group so we needed a theme. We had gone shopping yesterday with our winnings. We went with a guns and roses theme. Worked pretty well! We rode through the town with some flags we made that were black with two roses and two crossed pistols.

We trotted down the streets waving to the crowd doing some different drill team maneuvers. There was the chevron, which was a sort of arrow with the leaders and branching slightly behind them another pair, followed by another, and so on. And the other was just plain pairs. We paired ourselves up and decided that Rose and I should be paired to do some simple tricks. As we walked through downtown, Rose and I did handstands and suicide dips as well as backbends. It was super fun!

"Hey, do y'all wanna go to a party?" Dalton asked.

"That sounds like a blast!" Rose and Taylor squealed.

The girls dragged my groaning self to the trailers to get ready. Taylor wore a beautiful white cotton dress with a lace top layer and a pair of heeled boots. Rose wore a bright sunset colored dress with red cowboy boots. Sage dressed up in a sea blue strapless evening dress with some sparkling gems on the breast area. She added a pair of white boots. I put on a flowered dress with a white base. It had a matching belt and I paired it with some simple cowboy boots. We all wore matching jean jackets to pull our squad together.

The guys wore sexy tight t-shirts and our favorite pairs of jeans. Even though they are the jeans that squeeze the living daylights out of the guys, they still wear them for us. They wore their boots and cowboy hats. Us ladies grabbed our black Stetsons and loaded up in the trucks.

We hung out at the party dancing and singing karaoke to our favorite songs. We just let all our worries disappear into the night.

I woke up with an arm across my face, a leg wrapped with mine and someone snorting in my ear.

"What the hell happened!?" I shouted trying to wake everyone up. I looked around and what I saw terrified me. I screamed but someone covered my mouth and whispered soothing things to me.

"We're all gonna get out of here safe and sound."

"L-Luc-c-a! I'm sc-ca-re-red! I do-n't wa-nt him to t-ta-ake me I-n there ag-ain," I say, trying, but failing, not to stutter and slur in my terrified state.

"Don't worry. I won't let him have you. He'll have to kill me before he gets to you."

"Th-thank you Lu-Lucca," I hiccuped from crying silently.

"Shhh don't cry. Hush now darling don't say a word. Lucca's gonna buy ya a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird don't fly, Lucca's gonna buy you a chocolate pie. And if that chocolate pie isn't everything, Lucca's gonna buy you a diamond ring." He sung me a parody of mockingbird.

"I love you!" I whispered against his lips.

"I love you more!" He hugged me tight and we sat in the corner.

Wild and Untouched **Finished**Where stories live. Discover now