Questions Answers Relief

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'How is Echo? Did he get hurt during the accident? Lucca didn't talk about how Echo was. Will I be able to truck ride again? What if something happened to him?' All these thoughts disappeared when I saw Rose. She gave me an excited but careful hug.

"Omg I missed you! I'm so glad your ok! I love you!" She kissed my cheek and hugged me again.

"I love you too!" Then my parents came in and hugged me too. I kissed them and answered their concern questions. 'Are you in pain? How are you feeling?' Then I asked how Echo was.

"He's actually just fine. He had a slight over reach of the left front and a laceration on his shoulder from who knows what. But everything is healing great just like you." My dad said squeezing my cheek at the last part.

"Well we know you wanna see your friends and we know they wanna see you so we love you very much and know you'll get better very soon." My mom said before kissing and hugging me again followed by my dad.

"Bye mom, Dad love y'all bunches!"

"Bye sweetheart!"

Rose, Lucca, Hunter, Dalton, and Taylor all hung out with me until I could leave. We drive back to a small rental house in a small town of Arizona. There was a barn out back and some trails that were accessible from the barn. The house was cute but nothing special. Lucca showed me to my room and when I walked in I was tackled by a ball of fluff!

"Omg! Lucca? Did you do this?" I ask referring to the little red heeler puppy. He looked to be about 8 weeks old.

"Yes. He's yours."

"Omg thank you! I'm gonna name him..........Luke!"

"After me?!" He smirked. Haha boi you thought!

"No after Luke Bryan!" He put a sad face on so I hugged him and said I loved the puppy.

"But why did you get me a puppy? I'm not your girlfriend or your long time friend."

"Well I was thinking...well sorta hoping....oh how do I say know what never mind we can talk about it some other time."

I reached up and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for the pup!"

"No problem!" And he kissed my hand.

After a week of rest my leg was better and I could ride only if it was a walking trail ride. So we all decided to go on one. I rode Willow because I was secretly a little scared to get on Echo. We walked out onto the trail and it was beautiful, it was like a forest scene.

I know I've been inactive lately so here are three chapters to make up for it! Love y'all

Wild and Untouched **Finished**Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz