Sorry We Weren't There

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We have all gone back to California for a little break from chaos and my ribs are better as well as my sprained wrist. I only have a brace on my arm and my knee. I can do some more tricks and rope again. But I don't know how long it will be before I can bronc ride. Today we have decided to go to a lake owned by Lucca's Dad. It's more of a pond but it will still be fun. Lucca is 17 today and this is how we're celebrating. We're gonna spend the day on a rope swing into a pond.
When we arrive at the pond it's all decked out in party decor. Lucca doesn't know we're doing this and I still don't know how we're gonna get him here without him knowing something is up. But either way we're all gonna have a blast! The rope swing was in a tall tree and has ladder rungs going up the tree.

Everyone says Lucca is on his way so we all hide and wait for the signal.

"Surprise!" We all jump out and yell. I jumped out behind him and jumped on his back. He knew it was me because if the braces on my knee and wrist. I got off and he turned around. He gave me a light kiss and said thank you to everyone.

"Your seventeen!" I whispered in his ear.

"So are you!" He replied.

"Yep we're seventeen!"

"Let's get on that swing!" He shouted and we all ran for the swing. Well they ran. I walked and when Lucca remembered he stopped and walked with me. What a great boyfriend. Oh yea remember? We're dating now! He is the sweetest guy ever and I couldn't ask for better.

"Thank you!"

"Of course." He helped me up the tree to swing into the water and let me tell you that was the scariest fun I've ever had! We partied all day and had a blast swingin and swimin. They were doing flips and tricks off the swing and we even had a slip in slid that went into the pond. We took the horses swimming and took a short trail ride. We couldn't have been more carefree! All we did was laugh the entire day!

*ring ring*
"Hello?" I answered the phone which read 'Home' as in my parents we calling.

"Hey Evelyn!"

"Hi Dad!"

"Could you stop by the house for a moment?"

"Of course!"

"Good! See you soon!"

"Love you!"

"Love you too." I told Lucc where I was going and he gave me a kiss and I walked out to my truck, correction our truck. I smiled at the thought and climbed in.

I arrived at my house and as I was pulling in the driveway I saw my dad with a foal by his side with Ember my moms ex barrel horse.

"Hey there!" He said and I smiled a hi back.

"Since we weren't there to give you your seventeenth birthday present here he is!" And he handed me the rope holding the yearling Quarter Horse colt.

"Oh my god he's so cute!" I whisper squealed so I didn't scare him. He had the most beautiful but strange coat I've ever seen. I've heard of a brindle but never seen one. He was a white brindle with a bay base color. He only had the brindling on his left side though. On his right side he looked like a normal bay horse. He had a star on his forehead, and brindling on his neck, shoulder, and barrel. (A/N: This is the coloring of the colt but he is a quarter horse, so he is shorter and more muscular not so lean)

"Thank you!" I hugged him then hugged the colt. He was pretty big for a yearling. About 15.2 and probably has an inch or two more in him. "Your welcome!" He kissed my forehead and I walked the colt up to the trailer. He wasn't sure about getting in so we brought momma in and he went right in. We then slipped Ember out after locking him in. Geez I really need a name for colt.
Hmmm I'll decide later.

Here's two chapters! Hope y'all love them! Read Love Rodeo!

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