Parties and Cowhores Part 2

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We walked over and I just put my horse in a round pen. Nothing on her at all. I asked her for a slow gallop and started. I spun around so I was facing backwards then spun all the way back. After, I stood up and did a backbend. Then I was in a normal riding position when I grabbed her mane and swung my legs over her neck, jumped, and swung off the other side finishing with a remount. Then I went back and forth jumping and touching the ground like five times. I swung the other way and landed backwards on her neck.

I got back into a normal riding position and asked him to toss me a lead rope. I put it around her neck and slid to where I was on the underside of her neck. I hopped off out of her way and jumped back on as she came around. I stood up and flipped off her butt ending with the both of us bowing.

" wow!" I mentally high five my horse. We left him speechless.

"That was amazing!"

"Thank you!"

"Do you want to go to dinner?"

"That sounds nice!"

"Alright, let's go!"

We went to Casa Ramos and got some really good food. We talked about ourselves and our lives. Our likes and dislikes, about our horses. I learned his favorite color was green, his favorite food was anything barbecue, and much, much more. We talked and didn't realize it was passed 10:30 at night.

"Oh crap! I need to get home. We were supposed to start back home tonight!" I said as we rushed out of the restaurant, which was a twenty four hour restaurant.

"I'll walk you back to your trailer."

"Ok, thank you."

We started walking back and he kept looking at my hand and turning his like he wanted to hold it. So I grabbed his. He looked at me in shock and I smiled. He smiled back and we walked to my trailer. He kissed my hand before saying goodnight.

"Where have you been?!" Rose shouted at me after Lucca left.

"On a date!"

"Eeeeeeekkkkk! Yay! I'm so happy for you! Also, get this! I have something started with yo guy's best friend!"

"That's awesome! Now, do you wanna take off tonight or tomorrow at five?"


"Alright, let's go." We started up the truck and drove to Chico from Red Bluff, two hours. We had the music blaring and we were singing right along. We sang Heart of Dixie by Danielle Bradbury.

"She went...driving so far away nobody's gonna find her
Flying...just fast enough, to leave it all behind her
But she didn't know till she hit the road, deep in her soul
She's got the fire and the fight of a gypsy
Ain't nothing stronger than the heart of Dixie
The heart of Dixie!"

We arrived at our houses. We were neighbors and shared a barn. Not houses, only horse pastures and a barn.


"Night!" We went our separate ways after unloading the trailer and putting the horses away.

Hey guys! How do ya like it? I've noticed that I haven't gotten any votes. So here's an incentive to vote. First five voters get a shoutout and a chapter dedicated to them.
Thanks! Read, Love, Rodeo!

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