Accidents Happen

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As we were riding back, we saw a bonfire and thought it would be fun to join the party. We put our horses up and got dressed for the party.

I wore an off the shoulder rose blouse and some jean shorts with camo accents. Rose was wearing a loose black dress with red accents. The guys were looking hot in tight tshirts and jeans. Lucca was wearing a black shirt with a long horn on it and Hunter had on a brown shirt with a cowboy hat.

We walked over where we saw the party and grabbed some sodas. We were dancing and singing when a cute couple came over and joined us in our dance off. We all had a blast with Dalton and Taylor. They each have two horses and go around to local rodeos. We partied all night and didn't go to bed till around 3 am. I am definitely going to be exhausted tomorrow.

*Next day*

I woke to sunshine in my face with an arm wrapped around my waist. Rose must have had a dream again and joined me. I go to pick up the arm and move it off me so I can get up but it just tightens. That's not like Rose. I finally open my eyes and look at the hand. Then up at the trailer I was in.

"Aaaahhhh!" I screamed.

Where was I and how did I get here? Did I get drunk last night?

"Well good morning to you, too," I hear Lucca's voice and calm down, after checking to make sure I was dressed.

"We didn't do anything. You said you didn't want to be alone so you slept with me."

"Oh, ok," Then I cuddled back in after shooting Rose a text to feed the horses because I was busy.

"Ok, I'm good with this, too!" Lucca says, then pulls me closer. I turn over and put my head on his chest. Next thing I know I'm snoring again.

"Evelyn! Evelyn! Wake up!"

"Lucca, that's not going to work! Try this!" I hear them but they're groggy. And then whoosh! I'm up and cold and angry.

"Y'all better run 'fore I kill you. Cause if I get ahold of any of y'all, you're as dead as a cow in a butcher shop," I say in deathly calm.

After the chase, they all ended up in a water trough and I didn't have to touch a single one of them. We then loaded everything up and left for the next rodeo. Arizona!

*Later on*

We finally made it to Arizona and set up our camp. It's been growing since we started. Dalton and Taylor decided to join us as well as Lucca and Hunter.

We decide to tack up and take a ride around the rodeo grounds to get the horses used to it. We all laughed and joked like we had been friends for life. Best trip I've ever taken.

"Hey, my sister is visiting here with her horses and her boyfriend. Can I invite them to join us?" Hunter asked.

"Of course! The more the merrier!" Rose said.

While Hunter called his sister, I went to the arena on Echo in my trick saddle. Yep, I've been working on his trick riding. I started with some simple tricks that I can do at a walk. I stood up, hung down, touched the ground, slid off his butt and jumped back on, and finally did a handstand. I heard a big round of applause. All my friends and a few strangers had been watching. I just smiled. They all dispersed and I started at a canter. He did great through the same routine.

We performed our same routine from the last rodeo and got the same response from the crowd. After the little show we did flag ceremony for them. The actual rodeo went great for all our events. Me and Rose are in different divisions so we both won and I won bronc riding like always.

After the rodeo, I worked with Echo again. This time we cantered and I did some more extensive tricks. Everything was going great and I went to swing off the side of him and jump back on when he spooked sideways. On top of me!

Wild and Untouched **Finished**Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora