Record Score

171 7 0

After our thrilling performance we got ready for the rest of the day. Echo and I ran great in barrels, poles, and our roping events. 16.261, 22.713, 3.531 for breakaway, and 5.194 for tie down. Rose was fantastic as well only beating me in roping and getting barely slower in poles and barrels. 16.394, 22.864, 3.242, and 4.968. Lucca got 3.374 in breakaway and 5.634 in tie down. Dalton was having an off day and missed his steer in break away as well as messed up the tie in tie down. Sage did well to bring her time to a 16.791 in barrels and 24.116 in poles. She messed up the tie as well and got her steer on the second try so she had 12.374 in breakaway. After Axel rode a bull, and won, we rode broncs. Lucca got a really good score, 92.713. Hunter did well, 91.713, and Dalton got a great score too, 90.713. They didn't have too many bronc and bull riders so they didn't have any slack. I was last on a crazy gelding that no one wanted to ride. He'd get you great points if you could stick him out. I sat atop the huge stout bronc and pat his neck. I wish him luck getting me off and nodded my head. He leaped out, not bucking, jumping with an arched back. He would almost rear and then leap into the air with a strong forward motion. I tried to ride him like normal but that wasn't going to work so I altered it enough to get the 8. I heard the buzzer but no cheers. I grabbed the pick up guys saddle and he grabbed my ass to pull me up. I was about to protest when I saw who it was.

"Hey Casanova!" I said as I rode behind him.

"Hey Amore! Nice ride." He complimented as he roped the beast and put it into the pen.

"Thanks for the lift! Can you drop me at that fence?"

"Sure thing hot stuff." I pecked his cheek as I climbed onto the fence and he hissed like something burned him.

"Ah I told you hot stuff!" He emphasized on the 'hot stuff'! I started laughing and fell off the fence all the boys I rode against started laughing with me as I wiped the mud from my face. They put the camera thing that shows the fans things up close. I see they're replaying my fall. Now they have it on me live so I smile and wave then blow a kiss to the crowd. They cheer for me and I look at the scoreboard. I start doing a happy dance in the mud. I'm so glad I decided to wear my old brown button up and not a pearl snap today. I'm having a victory mud fight with some of the other bronc riders. We're still on camera and the crowd is laughing their faces off. Lucca came over to join as well. "Well ladies and gents we know who our winner is. Evelyn Williams with a score of 99.731! I have never seen a score that high since Colton Williams. You take after your daddy. Definitely daddy's little girl!"

When we got back to camp the happy feeling was gone as fast as it had come.

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