Good Job

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"Ladies and gentlemen welcome in Rose and Evelyn. Evelyn is still riding even with her recent accident! And here they are." I entered standing with Rose and then moved into normal riding position. I grabbed my horn with my left hand and swung my right leg around the hang with all my weight on my left leg on the left side of Willow. Willow stayed consistent as I struggled to get back up a little. Then I did an around the world, how I do that with one hand I don't know. But I do. Rose was performing brilliantly. She was doing suicide touches, where you touch the ground upside down. And swinging around the front of Whisper. And the mare stayed perfectly consistent. We finished and cantered out of the ring.

"Good job!" Rose said.

"You too you're amazing at this!"

"Thanks Evie!" We hugged and headed back to the trailer.

"Hey Evie!"

"Yea Lucc? (Pronounced like Luke)"

"Do you want to be my lead horse in bulldogging?"

"Sure why not?" I helped him out then went to do barrels and poles. They went well but then I was depressed because I didn't get to do broncs. I was walking around sulking and all my friends knew why.

"Evelyn! Come on!" I followed them and there was a bronc horse, well a mechanic one with bouncey walls around it.

"Happy birthday!" They cheered! Omg how could I forget my own birthday? What is today? Obviously it's June 11, my 17th birthday. I'm 17 today! Omg I'm officially 17! I hug everyone and then run for the horse. I hop on and Lucca flips the switch. It starts off easy but soon starts giving me a real ride. I was having so much fun hogging the bronc. But I had to give other people a turn eventually, keyword eventually! I had some root beer and we cut the cake and then they said they had presents.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything."

"We know!" I got a super cute necklace with an engraved running horse charm and a letter charm for every horse I've owned/loved. I got new jeans and some new rodeo shirts. Then Lucca said to close my eyes and follow him. I wouldn't put the blindfold on because of the incident a couple days back. We were walking along then stopped. I heard a Diesel engine. "Open!" He yelled. All I could do was gasp. Here sitting in front of me with a huge ass bow on it was a sexy black ram dually.

"Oh my god! You didn't!" I say to Luc

"I did. It's ours if..." He hesitates

"If what?!"

"You be my girlfriend." I was surprised but ecstatic.

"I thought you'd never ask!" I got my first kiss following that. It was magical. Almost as magical as the dream of a truck sitting in front of me. I can't even.

"Can we get it dirty?" I whisper in his ear.

"Oh hell yea!" He yells.

"Everyone get a truck, jeep, anything with 4 wheel drive!!!" We yell and take off to find a place to get a little mud on my tires!

We were spinnin donuts, makin our trucks swim, and having mud fights. Someone brought some 4-wheelers so we hopped on those and got hecka muddy. All in all a great birthday.

Wild and Untouched **Finished**Where stories live. Discover now