First State

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As I was going around I saw the cute cowboy I met at the last rodeo. After our performance everybody was telling us how beautiful our horses are and how amazing our routine was. We say thank you and move on. The rodeo events started and first was pole bending. We changed our horse's tack, putting our barrel saddles on and our bits in then headed off to wait for our turn. We ran well, maybe gaining a first or second. We rode our barrels I got 16.687 and Rose got 16.931. Roping was good enough for me, maybe we win maybe not who cares right? Not me. Now bronc riding is a different story I ride to win or at least show up a few boys. If I don't win they call me weak when I win they call it luck. Well it ain't luck when you been winnin this long. I ran over to draw my horse after changing. I drew a smaller palomino mare but don't ever underestimate a palomino. Palominos are psychotic I swear!  Her name is Poker Face and she has a wild almost ruthless looking eye. She definitely enjoys her job. I watched her in the shoot and she was ready. Some 'men' got on and fell off without gaining a score. Then my cute cowboy follower got a ride for his money but got a good score. Next was me and I was ready. I settled on Poker and tested a kick and she didn't do anything. Ok she's going straight up to start.

I nodded and when the gate opened just as I though she shot up straight in the air. As she came down she landed to the right meaning she's going to the left. Next a right buck and a four foot flyer. I heard the buzzer and waited for the pickup rider. Ooh look a cute cowboy! I hopped on behind him and slide off at a safe moment.

I looked at my score and saw I was top right now. Oh wait I'm the last rider! I won! Yes! I did a front flip and a back handspring before running out of the arena. I ran over to practice roping on Echo and that's when he came over. Crap what's his name again? Oh yea!

"Oh hey Lucca!" His name is the exotic hot one.

"Hey Evelyn! How are you doin?"

"Good! Had a good day! How bout you?"

"I'm good besides the part where you beat me in broncs."

"Haha sorry bout that but if I don't win I'm considered weak so I gotta teach this boys a lesson about girls eventually."

"Haha nice one! Wanna go on a trail ride? I know a good spot!"

"Well I guess I can leave for an hour let me just tell Rose!" "Invite her! I'll invite my friend Hunter Dawes!"


"Hey Rose!?"

"Yes?" She answered from the bathroom.

"Wanna go in a double date?"

"Yes!!!! Let me call Hunter!" She came running out and grabbed her phone.

"Wait is that Hunter Dawes?"

"Yes why?" She says while typing.

"He's best friends with my guy Lucca!"

"Yay!" She squeals as she sends the message and puts her phone down.

"Alright let's go!"

She saddled up and we met the boys at the small arena. We took off for the trail and we're all laughing and joking. Having a blast. I could get used to this. Maybe it's time for a serious relationship? Just maybe!

Hey guys! So first voter. Haha Mitchell thanks. mitchsteele is the first voter on Wild and Untouched!

Wild and Untouched **Finished**Where stories live. Discover now