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I am running. Running as hard as I can. But he's gaining on me fast. He right on my heels. I see a small crevasse and decide to "jump". I fake jumped then fell into the crevasse. Darkness for a second then I'm still falling but falling off a horse. Right as I'm about to hit the ground I'm in a bed, the same bed my kidnapper put me on. When I look up, though, it's not my kidnappers evil smile I see but Lucca's above me. Smiling down like a psychopath. He reaches out to touch me but it never comes. I'm out in the field back home surrounded by the new foals. I feel so secure like someone has their strong arms around me. Then I hear a gunshot. And the security is gone. Gunshots and the foals around me start falling. One by one. They fall.
I woke with a start and looked around for Lucca. After not seeing him I peek outside and what I saw scared the life out of me. I saw my kidnapper with a gun pointed straight at my boyfriend. I ran to the phone and dialed for the police. Within a minute they were here and had him under custody within a few minutes.

"Lucca!" I screamed and ran for him once the dude was caught. I leapt in his arms and hugged him tight.

"You!" I heard Mr. Kidnapper yell. He struggled out of the police's hands and ran first at me then made a turn and took off into the woods. The police took in after him.

"Do we stay for the rodeo?"

"I-I don't know. I wanna perform but I wanna get away from him." I sat here in shock not saying anything while they conversed.

"Let's perform then leave." I finally said.

"Ok." They chorused. We got all the horses ready for the rodeo and warmed up. When we heard the opening ceremony Rose and I got ready. We did some suicide dips, backbends, handstands, and stir up swings. All basic tricks but the crowd still went wild and we rode out of the arena happy. We ran poles, barrels, roped, and did a mystery event which turned out to be single stake. I got 23 in poles, 17 in barrels, 4 in roping, and 8 in single stake. I still couldn't Bronc ride which was really depressing. Our group did well in the events as well. Rose won poles, Taylor won barrels, Lucca won broncs, Hunter and Dalton won team. I won single steak. Axel won tie down and Sage won break away. We literally took the show! After we went to dinner and got on the road to Oklahoma.
We pull into the rodeo grounds and take the horses on a breeze around the track that was here. Next we set up camp and then practiced a little. We let the horses settle in and had dinner. We played around the campfire until 9:30 then went to bed.

Wild and Untouched **Finished**Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ