Not a Party Anymore

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Lucca's POV

I heard a loud noise followed by a horse whinny and girl scream. I went towards the noise and what I saw scared the living daylights out of me. I saw Evelyn being trampled by Echo. He was falling and she was below him.

I ran over to help while yelling for people's attention. I got there and found half her body practically under her horse. I tried to get her out and finally did with the help of some strangers. One person called an ambulance while the rest of us helped Evie.

"Hey Evie. Everything if going to be ok. Echo is fine so don't worry about him." She was barely conscious. When the ambulance arrived I went with her and called Rose to take everyone to the hospital.

We get there and they immediately rushed her off to the OR. They made me go sit in the waiting room. I was worried sick.

Evelyn's POV
I could feel, hear, and taste, but I couldn't see. My eyes wouldn't open. I could hear the beep of a hospital monitor and smell the alcohol. What happened? Then I heard voices coming this way.

"Is she ok?"


"Yes she should wake up at anytime."

I couldn't tell who the other female voice belongs to. Maybe a doctor.

"Ok thank you."
The door opened and I felt Lucca grab my hand.

"Hey baby. You're in the hospital. Please wake up I need you!"

Wow we aren't even dating. I tried opening my eyes but nope. I was tired so I decided to sleep.

Lucca's POV
It's been three days! And she still hasn't woken up! Oh wait! She twitched! Nope never mind just a muscle spasm. I get up and start pacing the room. Ugh! I need her to wake up. She's the one! I know it!

Evelyn's POV
I wake up and see Lucca pacing the hospital room.

"What are you doing?" I ask him confused.

"Eve! You're awake!" He runs over and hugs me like his life depends on it. But I'm just confused.

"What happened?"

After he told me what happened to me he told me the extent of my injuries. The following bones were broken:
Three ribs
And my leg had a hairline fracture

Also my broken arm had a sprained wrist, and I had sprained my knee and ankle. All on the right side of my body. He said I had a concussion but the four days of sleep/coma healed that already. He then called in the doctor.

"Well good morning Evelyn. I'm Dr. Darling."

"It's very nice to meet you."

"And lovely to actually meet you! So I'm guessing that Lucca has already told you of your injuries?"

"Yes. He has."

"Ok well that just leaves a general exam and you should be able to leave sometime today or tomorrow."

"Ok thank you Dr. Darling."

"No problem miss. A nurse will be in shortly to see to your GE. Hope everything goes well otherwise I'll have to see you again." He left the room and a minute later a male nurse came in and did an exam on me and told me I just had to rest here for another hour then we could start on the release papers.

"Do you want to see anyone?"

"Yes please. Rose, and my parents if they're here. And you come back too. After that I'll see our rodeo group."

"Ok I'll be back." He left me to my thoughts.

Wild and Untouched **Finished**Where stories live. Discover now