Part 2

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Jack tentatively told Mark in a whisper.  "Mark... Ireland is my home".  Mark released one of Jack's wrists to cup his face, whispering against his lips longingly.  "This could be your home. With me".  Jack parted his lips to reply, but Mark kissed him so very tenderly.  When Mark finally pulled back, he told him a little breathless.  "Don't answer right now. Just think about it. Please"?  Jack nodded seriously and kissed Mark again.  Jack let his free hand slide under Mark's red flannel shirt, feeling his warm skin and strong ribs.  Mark's kiss became lustful as he grinded his hips hard against Jack's.  Jack let out a muffled moan, his fingers clawing into Mark's flesh.  Jack wanted him so badly.  He needed to feel him now.  When the doorbell upstairs began to ring loudly.  Mark broke the kiss to nuzzle into Jack's throat, muffling out in a frustrated groan.  "Ugh...That would be Kate". 

Jack pushed Mark up a bit, asking curiously.  "What? I just got here. Why is she here"?  Mark took a deep breath and exhaled loudly, before mumbling back.  "I'm kind of disobeying her. She wants me to leave you untouched... but I can't help it. I've missed you".  Jack chuckled for a moment, until he heard the thudding of heavy boots coming down the steps.  Mark jerked upright as Kate stepped down into view.  She looked just as Jack had remembered her.  Her long blonde hair was up in two high ponytails on the sides of her head that had spiked hair bands.  Around her neck hung a large spiked dog collar that had the word 'Master' in bright bold steel letters.  She wore a deep purple Victorian corset with a short leather skirt and knee high steel toed gothic boots. 

She adjusted her leather jacket as she leaned back against the wall, asking curiously.  "Has the pup changed his mind? Or are YOU trying to keep him from me, Mark"?  Mark rose off the bed, bowing his head and told her softly.  "Just me, Mistress".  Kate pushed off the wall, approaching Mark with a small smirk.  She reached out to brush her long black nails from his cheek to his chest.  She pushed his unbuttoned red flannel open a bit more to reveal his chest, while she told him seriously.  "You're protective of him. I get that. But I told you what I had plans for him today. Don't make me start keeping things from you. Am I clear"?  Jack sat up, crossing his legs and covering himself with his hands.  He still had underwear on... but he still felt too exposed to Kate.  Mark looked up to lock eyes with Kate as he answered.  "Crystal, Ma'am". 

Kate patted Mark's chest, sweetly telling him.  "How about you fetch his collar. Where we are going, he is going to need it".  Mark reluctantly left and Kate flashed Jack a warm smile.  Her eyes followed his arms to his groin, stating smugly aloud.  "Relax, pup. You've got nothing I haven't seen a thousand times over. Trust me".  She bent down to pick up his jeans and tossed them to him, adding in casually.  "Put these back on. We're going for a drive".  Jack slid off the bed to pull on his pants, asking her softly.  "Where are we going"?  Kate stepped closer and Jack backed up against the bedpost in surprise.  She grinned wickedly, giving him chills as she teased out.  "The dog park. I'm going to see you in action".  Mark came down the steps and Kate stepped back to shoot Mark a smile.  Jack slipped back into his pants as Mark approached him. 

Mark carefully fastened Jack's collar around his neck, while telling Kate a bit sternly.  "You better not be scaring him".  Kate rolled her eyes and walked to a wall to pull off a green leash as she answered bluntly.  "Your pup knows what he is getting himself into. Nothing in life is ever accomplished easily".  Jack gave Mark a comforting smirk as Kate handed Mark the leash, happily asking him.  "You have walked him before, right"?  Mark took the leash and clipped it to Jack's collar.  Jack swallowed nervously.  Mark had only used a leash to put the puppy gear on him last year.  Other than that... he never used it.  Mark looked Jack in the eyes with his soft ones, informing Jack as comfortingly as he could.  "Just stay a step or two behind me or next to me. Don't walk ahead and try not to stare at anyone". 

Kate folded her arms under her chest, mumbling softly out to Mark.  "I take that as a no. Well, this should be an interesting day for learning".  Jack looked to Mark for an answer to his confusion and Mark told him simply.  "Before you go to the academy, Kate wanted to observe how we... work together. Fix the basics and see what you already know".  Kate started to walk toward the stairs, chiming back over her shoulder.  "Hurry up now. We are taking my van".  Jack chuckled at the thought of someone like her driving a minivan... but Mark gave him an unsettled look and followed her.  Once they got outside, Jack bit his lip.  He recognized the van.  It was similar to the one Orson had kidnapped him in.  Only this one was deep purple and had some female warriors painted on the sides.  Kate opened up the side door and told Mark commandingly.  "Put your pup back here". 

Jack stopped short.  The front only had room for two people and in the back was a large metal dog cage.  Mark gave Jack a conflicted look as Kate leaned against the door of her van, stating aloud in a challenging voice.  "If he's too afraid, than take him back inside. A lot of pups can't handle the cage. They'd rather be bed dogs only".  Jack caught Kate's eyes and gathered up his courage.  He wanted to learn and if this was something Kate was trying to teach him... than fine.  He'd prove to her how stubborn he was.  Mark walked him to the van, telling him calmly.  "If this is too much for you, than you don't have to do this".  Jack kissed Mark's cheek briefly, before climbing into the van's cage.  The cage was as big as the entire back of the van with a large dog bed on the floor.  Jack dropped down on the comfy dog bed and picked up a weird looking egg. 

Mark blushed when he saw what Jack was holding and asked Kate a little embarrassed.  "I know this game now. You should know that Jack has a bad habit of... going off early".  Jack's eyes widened in horror and embarrassment.  Why did Mark have to tell her THAT!  From somewhere outside the van, Kate chuckled and replied.  "So did you. I know what I'm doing. Do you want to show him, or should I"?  Jack blinked in shock, setting the egg down as far from him as he could.  Mark climbed into the van and picked up the egg.  Jack tried to sit like an innocent kid, but his heart skipped as Mark gestured for him to turn around.  Reluctantly, Jack turned around on all fours.  Jack was happy that no one could see his cheeks burn red.  Mark moved in closer behind him, unbuckling his jeans to pull them down to his thighs. 

Jack bit his lip, feeling Mark's warm hand stroke his chilled thighs and ass cheeks.  He hoped Kate wasn't watching this.  Mark leaned forward to place a kiss to his lower back, then whispered lovingly.  "Try to stay relaxed".  Jack hung his head and did his best to relax every part of himself.  Mark slowly began to push the tip of the egg into his ass.  It was so smooth and very slowly stretched his ass wide.  Jack's toes curled, but not in pain.  It just felt weird.  He was horny as hell and this egg was tucking in nicely against his prostate.  When it was in, Mark pulled his pants back up, whispering out to him teasingly.  "Keep that in there, baby. Oh... and try not to touch yourself. Kate will make me punish you if you do".  The moment Jack's pants were back in place, he tried to sit down and gasped.  The egg's pressure was prodding his prostate teasingly. 

Jack watched Mark smirk as he received a remote from Kate.  Jack braced himself on all fours on the dog bed and took a shaky breath.  He knew were this was going.  Kate closed the cage and van door... Then Mark turned on the egg.  Jack's legs immediately spread apart to the edges of the cage.  As they climbed into the front, Jack was laying across the cage floor panting heavily.  It was on a low vibrate setting, but the damn thing was lethal.  It made his legs quiver and his dick ache for attention.  Jack clawed at the floor of the cage as Kate started the van.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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