Halloween Special

Start from the beginning

"Really?" Heather raised her brows, a malcontent smile on her face. "Have you told little miss thing here about your conquest for Aman-"

Feldman stepped on Heather's foot, silencing her and making her wince instead of continue. She snarled at him, but luckily Elizabeth didn't seem to be paying attention, whilst Corey's cheeks burned ultra red.

      "Okay, no more chit chat. Let's go trick or treating already," Robin diverted their attention to something else.

     They'd been out for about a half hour and their bags were growing heavy, so they decided to go over to Elizabeth's house since her parents were at their own adult Halloween social gathering. The house was dark inside, and Elizabeth didn't turn on the lights, she just led everyone into her bedroom on the second floor.

    She had left the windows open so it was cold and gusts of chilly October air were streaming in. But her room otherwise felt warm and welcoming, and she had fairy lights that added an eerie golden red glow to her room. She smiled as she began to walk backwards and face everyone else.

     "Sooo, you guys up for a little game?" she asked once everyone had gotten into the room, sitting down on her bed. In front of her on the floor was a small cardboard box that held something in it, though Robin couldn't read the print in the dark.

     "Not truth or dare," Heather groaned, pinching her eyes shut.

     "Nooo, silly. Ouija," her face lit up as she swiped the cardboard box from off the floor and held it up.

     "I'm Jewish," Corey blurted.

     "So?" Elizabeth asked, making a face.

     "So I shouldn't be summoning the devil," Corey whined, his voice becoming more high pitched than it already was.

     "First of all, that's not even what a ouija board is for and I'm pretty sure summoning the devil doesn't work like that. You're not gonna go to hell, Corey."

"I've seen The Exorcist," Corey barked back.

"It's Halloween! Loosen up a bit," Elizabeth complained. When Corey still looked stoic, Elizabeth turned on the charm, biting her finger and gazing up childishly into his eyes. "Pleeeease?" she cooed.

"Ugh," Corey rolled his eyes. "Fine. But only because it's Halloween. Jesus Christ, I am so sorry."

"Shut up, Corey. You guys in?"

River and Robin shared a glance and River pulled Robin closer towards him by the waist so he could tell her something. "I won't do it if you won't."

She looked him in his eyes and smiled gently,

"Let's just play. What could go wrong?"

Not long after, they were sitting in a circle cross legged on Elizabeth's floor, and all their hands were on the planchette.

"Okay, rules. No one leaves the circle. I'm the only one who can ask questions. You can't take your hands off the planchette until we say goodbye. Last, no making fun of the spirits. You'll get a lot more than what you bargained for."

"Let's start," River smiled, seeming almost as excited as Elizabeth.

Robin gulped, but River rubbed his thumb finger against the back of her hand, calming her down.

"Okay. Are there any spirits present in this home?"

All of them held their breaths as the planchette moved up towards "YES."

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