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We dragged me to God knows where then before I knew it he was kissing me in the busiest hallway in school.

I froze out of embarrassment. What if one of our teachers see? I blushed deep red when he whispered into me ear.

"Wanna be my boyfriend?" I'm going to shit myself. I nodded shyly and I saw him smile. My heart melted. I kissed his cheak.

" I like when you smile!" I said smiling at his suprised happy face.

I got in my tippy toes to kiss him. Our lips met and fireworks shot out like he's the one I'm ment to be with. Forever.

I suddenly got a bad feeling when I turned around to my dad's raging red face and tightly clenched fists.

"SON! WHAT THE FUCK?" I suddenly stopped and met by my dad's gase as he started rushing up to me with fury in his eyes.

"I Get a call from the school saying you're kissing other boys and attempting suicide and causing a scene! What the hell is wrong with you?" He walked up to me and slapped me in the face.

I started crying and I saw hoshis fists clench tightly. I grabbed his hand to calm him and just bowed my head.

I should have never admitted it, to myself, or him.

"Park Jimin come with me this instant!" Park Jimin? Himself? Did this happen to him as well?

I followed my dad out as hoshi stood there devastated.

Soon I was in the car with my furious father, just waiting for what's to come.

Soon we arrived at the house. I got out of the car slamming every door I came across until I reached my bedroom then I shut it and locked it.

I leaned my back aginst the door and slid down it while hearing the brutal sound of my dad pounding on the wood that my back slid down.

I hugged my knees and rested my head in them. Salty water escaped my eyes as I started thinking about my dad's rage. Soon I heard the sound of glass on the counter.

He's drinking. Oh no. What have I done? I heard the glass hit the counter multiple more times, after every sip, drink, and gulp he took.

I sat frozen in sorrow and disgust.

I hate him.

I banged my head aginst the door, it started to throb and I shut my eyes due to pain. I held it for a while hoping It would feel better, hoping to stop being able to hear every heartbeat, every breath I took. Every unless moment that I dragged myself into the hole of disappointment, depression, and self hatred.

After many moons, it felt like, my head recovered but I waited a bit to open my eyes. After more thinking, I did.

I opened my eyes to a white blank room and the smell of clorox ingulfing me into its fragrance.

A Beeping was heard and everything that happened, wasn't even real?

IK you hate me now Alex. But I love you!❤

I love you fam!


Edit that out♡ {Yoonmin} (Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz