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Jimin Woke alone and cold as yoongi had left for work without waking him. Jimin puffed his cheaks.

"Damn you min yoongi!" Jimin smiled at himself and climbed out if they're bed.

Jimin got ready and pulled out his camera.

"Today I get to visit yoongi in his office then we'll go to lunch with him." Jimin left the house at 11 and drove to yoongi's work.

Jimin crossed an intersection and didn't know what happened. soon he vision and soon is hearing. he tasted blood and metal. soon he couldn't taste anything. or feel anything and his mind was the only thing frantically worrying.

his brain raced at a million miles an hour wondering what had happened. soon he felt severe pain in his left side and started gaining his scentses back. he could finally hear and feel and taste again. he gagged as the Matalic bloody taste rushed into his dry mouth. he wanted to plug his ears from all of the loud noise. he wanted to open his eyes but he couldn't. but most of all. he wanted yoongi.

he heard sirens getting near. he heard flames craking by his feet, and soon moved them because he started to feel them burning.

soon he felt multiple hands drag him then lift him from his place. he tried to open his eyes. then tried again, and again, and again, soon realizing. they were open the whole time. but all he saw was black.

a black abis of nothing. Jimin started to cry worrying about his eye sight.

what if I won't be able to see jihoon grow up? what if I can't see yoongi ever again!? what I'd yoongi leaves me?.

Jimin's mind sped off into a mountain of bad thoughts. Jimin heard frantic people and could feel cold hands checking his vitals. soon his eyes. nothing. no movement. no hope. no light.

the cold hands left Jimin and he soon Blacked out due to stress and worry.

Love you guys!!

imma nice person

you love me sm.




p.s if you didn't catch on. Jimin was in a car crash bitches. and he list his eyesight.  it's depressing. and now I'm just rambling to get to my 400 word goal. IT'S STAYING AT 370 WHAT THE FUCK?! nvm it is fixed now.

so how does depression feel from a fanfiction?

it hurts and rips out your heart and tears it to sheds the eats it and poops it out and sheds it some more.

mk I'm at 430 have a good day!


Edit that out♡ {Yoonmin} (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now