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mr.Kim dragged me to his car.

"Get in were going to talk." he demanded. I felt intimidated and quietly got in. he started the car and drove.

"What happened." was all he said and I started.

"My dad found somthing out and kicked me out." I shrugged. he looked furious.

"tell. me. tge. whole. story." he said trying to stay calm and failing.

"Ok." I gave up ready to be kicked out if the car like the trash I am, "My dad found you that... I, umm like men. and he beat me and told me that he never wants to see a fag like me again and I'm no son of his." I said then Tears started falling from my eyes uncontrollably, "I'm spotty I dragged you into this, I'll leave no-" I stopped looking at his concerned face. is he crying?

Mr.kim started crying and hugged me.

"I'm your new family." he said softly and I hugged him back. we got out of the car at his one story house.

"You can call me Jin Hyung at home." he said while unlocking the door. I nodded and we walked in.

He started giving me a tour and it was small but so much better than being with my dad.

"And this, is your room!" he smiled at me while opening a door at the end of the hall. I walked in and smiled widely.

"Thank you so much, Jin hyung!" I hugged him.

"before my husband gets here let's go shopping for you!!" Jin squealed in exitment. I looked at him utterly puzzled.

"H...HUSBAND?!?" I asked a bit loud.

"Well. yeah!" Jin said in a 'duh' tone, and I smiled at him. this is going to be awesome!

we got back into the car and went to our first stop. target. *plays liza koshi siren music*

we walk in and start shopping. Jin hyung grabbed about 20 different clothing items and had me try them all on. this repeated for an hour before going to a new store and repeating again.

Soon it was 2pm and Jin and I just got through the front door carrying various bags from different places. we dropped them on the floor by my twin bed. I was lest to unbag everything and put it all away in the closet while Jin cooks dinner.

I soon hear the door open and shut softly. I wanted to see who jins husband was so I peaked my head out of the door greeted with the sight of jin and mr.Kim making out. EEEEWWWWWWW. I shut my door softly and continued my task.

the door opened abruptly and I see Jin gesturing twords me saying

"Tada!!!" He smiled and I looked dumbfounded at them both.

"Ohhhhhh this kid!" mr.kim said and smiled at me revealing his dimples. I assumed Jin told him the story as he greated himself unformaly.

"umm you go by hoshi right?" I nod, " you can call me Namjoon at home." he smiled at me and I smiled back. Jin squealed.

"I love my new little family! now I get to cook more joonie!!" He looked so happy as he pecked namjoons cheak and went off to the kitchen.

"Sorry he's really excited and extra." Namjoon started.

"No its fine. I've never had a mother figure that I can remember." I smiled at now having a motherly figure. Namjoon smiled at me.

"I see you already got the fact that I top. nice!" Namjoon hyung smirked and chuckled.

"I HEARD THAT NAMJOON! STOP BEING A HORNY ASSHOLE!" we both laughed and namjoon left to help Jin while I was left smiling and pondering about my new situation.

awe little hoshi has a home! I honestly love hoshis new parents 😂😂

love you all~

I listened to Lu by luhan on repeat while reading I LOVE IT SO MUCH OH MY GOD.


p.s I'm over my 400 word limit with 662 words!

Edit that out♡ {Yoonmin} (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now