Visiting The Family

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In our family, it's genetic that we all have this emotionless expression. Even though each of us have it, none of us can tell whether we're angry, or just...emotionless. Most of the time I'm mad but it's been almost ten years since I've seen Donny's. That was when his ex-girlfriend came out of some guys house, two minutes later he beat the shit of the guy and dumped the girl.

Ten years ago.

That's a very, very long time.

Approaching Donny I made sure to keep a pretty good distance. "Donny."

"Well if it isn't drop off the face of the earth Damien." He replied, in a very teasing manner.

I didn't notice until I got closer but behind him was a little girl, who weird enough had the same eyes as...No way. He had a kid! Shit. She looks about four years old too, which means I missed everything that had to do with this little girl. Before I left I promised Donny that I'd be there to see the birth of his first child.


He's must assuredly pissed.

"Papa, who is that?" She said, her voice low and soft.

Donny patted her head and replied. "That, Amber would be your Uncle Damien."

"Uncle Damien?" Confusion filled her eyes. 

I smiled and kneeled down. "Yeah Amber, I'm your awesome Uncle—"

"Awesome, please. Well he can do magic." Donny chuckled.

Amber looked up at Donny. "Magic?"

"Yeah sweetheart, he can vanish for a very long time out of no where then magically re-appear."

Without a doubt.

This man was pissed.

And this would be the longest day of my life.


We arrived somewhere, but it was not moms house, and my guess is—it was Donny's. Okay, it wasn't a guess. Once Amber saw the house she immediately got super excited.

"Mama made some cake, I can't wait to eat it!" She squealed.

Kids were cute, had to admit it, I don't think I'm father material though which is why I've made the harsh choice of never having one. Donny's life was great, a gorgeous wife, and a cute kid. A life that I wouldn't mind having but can't, since I can't nor deserve to have one.

Donny unbuckled Amber from her car-seat and placed her on the side-walk. Almost instantly she ran to the door, however, she tripped on the ground in the process. Five seconds later she brushed it off as if it never happened and skipped the rest of the way.

"Nice house Don." I said, seriously amazed.

Well maybe not amazed, Donny did finish Law-School and was probably getting mad-cash. This too would have been me if I hadn't dropped out and suddenly changed careers.

Donny chuckled. "You should've had one this nice too bro, but you make shitty-life choices."

Amber knocked on the door, and two seconds later it opened, behind it was a gorgeous brunette with pale blue eyes. Very curvy too, I must say. This made me grin, Donny must have alot of fun with this one. 

"Holy macaroni if it isn't the ghost of Damien Black who came to finally haunt us with his presence." Brooke said, a wicked smirk forming on her face.

Almost forgot how sarcastic and feisty she was.

Donny walked towards his family and gave his wife a kiss. "Hey sugar."

"Hey honey-pie," She said smiling at her husband, then she turned her attention to me. "Well come on, let's get inside we're going to attract alot of attention if both you hotties are out here."

Dominating The TroublemakerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora