24: Flabbergast

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''I love you. Mom Dad!'' I placed flowers on my parents grave.

I conferenced my parents in the graveyard. I don't know but today I'm missing them a lot. I hope, I will endure this pain as soon as possible.


''Jimin-ah! Where are you? I've been waiting for so long!'' I called him.

''Yeah. I'm coming. I'm on my way!'' He replied.

''Ppali! I'm in cafe shop. Come over! Bye.'' I hung up.

Since, I had to wait for him so I went to the nearby coffee shop. I ordered coffee and enjoyed the heaven taste of it. After sometime, my phone buzzed and I checked it. It was a message from Jimin.

''Babe, I'm sorry. I can't come. I had to go to grandma first. You may take taxi.'

Seriously! I sighed. I paid the bill and went out for a taxi. It was really great weather so, I decided to cover some distance by walking. It was really soothing. The fresh air, it was comforting.

I was walking in the street, and I saw some boys were stalking me. They were three. I ignored them but they weren't stopping. They were wearing black hoodies and black masks, so that their faces were barely to be seen properly.

Whenever I looked at them, they began to do useless things to divert my attention. I averted my gaze. I was burning inside, like seriously! But scared as hell too. Help me Jimin!

I was walking when a cab stopped in front of me. I was startled. The car door opened and those scoundrels from the back, they pushed me into the car and started the engine.

''Leave me!!!'' I shouted and tried a lot to free myself.

''Cover her face! Hurry up!'' They covered my mouth with their hands, tightly.

''Stop it!!! Let me go!!!'' I yelled again. They covered my eyes with a peice of cloth and my mouth too. They tied my hands at my back.

I was really scared thinking about Jimin, jade and my friends. Please somebody help me, I cried.


''Tie her up!'' The one of them commanded. My eyes were covered and my mouth too.

They miserably tied me on the chair. My throat was dry and I was unable to speak. I tried a lot to free myself, but all in vain. My eyes were covered and I had no idea about where I was. After sometime, the voices were diminished, I thought they were gone.

My eyes were teary and I cried a lot. It was hurting too much. What if Jimin came to pick me, I wouldn't be there.


I was nearly unconcious when the door squeakily opened. My neck, hands, back, feet, infact my whole body was stiff. Someone came in.

''Here! Dress her up! She has to be look beautiful! Otherwise I'll kill you!'' He roared.

''Ok Ok! I'll try my best!'' A voice of a lady pleaded.

ALPHABET BOY | P.jm ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें