6: Contrited

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In the hallway ~
                "Kara!! Wait... Kara!!" Jade was screaming to stop me.

"What?! I don't wanna see your face! I don't wanna talk to you... just go away!" I pushed her away.

 "Sweetheart if you won't tell me what happened last night! How would I know! Just tell me already.. come let's go to library!" She dragged me to the library.


"Jimin hyung! Did you safely dropped Kara at her house?" Jungkook asked him, while eating snacks.

 "No.. I didn't... she left by herself!" He replied, nonchalantly.

"WHAT?! Really... you must have done something.. didn't you?!" He shouted with his eyes wide opened. 

"NO!! I HAVEN'T" He exasperatedly replied.

 "Oh!! I see.." He mumbled.

In the library ~

"I can't believe... I've lost my virginity already...  AND MOST OF ALL WITH THAT PARK JIMIN! I hate myself.." I was tucking my head on the table. 

"OMG! Really... that's daebak..!"  Jade exclaimed.

"Exactly... I can't-..   what did you just said!!?" I glared at her and slapped her shoulder. 

"Ow! I mean he is not that bad.. like he is really handsome.. intelligent! Omo.. his muscles are enough for girls to die for him... he is really a masterpiece.. I think you should-"  

 "I think I must tell Jungkook... you have a crush on Jimin!" I cut her off.  

"Yahh!!! I didn't mean that.! Bitch!" She whined.

 "But... the thing is! I think you should date him. My shipping raised!!!" She excitedly clapped her hands.

I don't wanna live anymore. Date or him?  I would rather date a fridge.

On the way to cafeteria ~

"Hey Miss wild... why are you so lost today? Lost in my bed time?" He whispered suddenly into my ear.

 "Omo!! You startled me!" I shrugged.

 "Ohhh.... thinking about me for sure.." He grinned. 

  "My foot!" I retorted.

I walked forward.

"Stop following me!" I ranted.
But he is following me like a cute little puppy...   YAH!! Stop thinking about him Kara!

"I'm not! I'm just going to cafeteria!" He said and passed me.
Get lost! You jerk.

"Hey!!! Bestie.. come over there!" Jade told me to sit beside her.

"Kara! Will you teach me?!" Taehyung faked a cry while handing me a book. 

No! I'm so mad right now. That jerk is sitting right in front of me! I wanna kill him right a way.. why is he looking at me... I wanna snatch his eyes.. I will-

"Yah! Kara... I'm asking you something..." Taehyung startled me. 

 "Nah! I cannot!" I spat.

I'm sorry taetae.

"Ahh... thinking deeply about me?!" Jimin leaned in. My face was covered with pink tints.

 "Go away you shortie!" I threw my snacks on his face. 

"Ow! You're absolutely wild!" He groaned.

Just stop it in front of them atleast! For God sake...

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