14: Embrace

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I woke up at the nth ring of my alarm clock. Just 5 more minutes.

I streched out my arms and let out a big yawn. Rubbing my temples, I went to the bathroom and changed into school uniform. When this boring routine will come to an end!

I went down for some breakfast. The delicious smell of freshly baked pancakes was making my stomach growl. I ate heartedly.


''Hey.. Aish!! Seriously.. You're in school guys!'' I groaned sarcastically, on a sight of Jade cuddling with Jungkook in the corner.

''Erm-- Hi!'' Jungkook cleared his throat.

Jade let out a cheeky smile.

''Let's go!'' She wrapped her arm around mine and dragged me to the classroom.

''Ow!! It's not a right way to hide your sinful act Jade!'' I scoffed.

''Sorry..!!'' She smiled sheepishly.

''Everyone! Take your seats!'' The teacher came and ordered to get arranged.

We all took our seats on his words. The class started.


''I'm really hungry! Let's eat something!'' Jade whined.

''Okay! Let's put these in locker first.'' I said, managing my books in my hand.

''Okay! Let me call kookie!'' She said.

I sighed in response. Couples! I hate them.

''Meet me at ------ room. I'll be waiting! :)''

Jade spelled a note outloud that was sticked to my locker.

''Who left that note for you?'' Jade asked me curiously.

''I don't know!'' I replied awkwardly.

''I wanna meet you tomorrow. Something important to tell you! :)''

Suddenly, Jimin's text came to my mind.

''Oh! I think It's Jimin!'' I glitched.

''Oh... Jimin lefts notes for making out!'' Jade teased.

''Shut up it's not like that! He needs to talk about something important.'' I scowled.

I felt the heat that traced my face to my neck on her words. Thinking about Jimin gave me chills down my spine. I started heating up.

''But why is he calling on you at such trashy place!'' Jade shoved me out of my thoughts.

''I-I don't know either!'' I stuttered a bit.

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