"If you want you can use the shower at the house." I said still not facing him. Wow, this wall is really beautiful.

I could feel him standing behind me. "Okay." He said simply and walked to the door.

"Oh and Katou?" I turned around and saw him leaning against the door still smiling (still no shirt)

"Thank you." "What's with all the short answers baka!" I looked away again and when he walked out the door I walked over and shouted.


Still counting! Ha! I don't forget!

Zoro's POV

I wonder what she was doing in that room... Hmm...

I was concentrating so hard I didn't even here her come out.

Strange strange women.

I walked inside her house and I realised I knew were nothing is.

I sighed and walked into the first room I saw.

Oh no...

This isn't the shower... I'm pretty sure this is Katou's room.

Pretty much everything is purple.

The walls, the king size bed, (what teenager has a king size bed?) her camera.

HER CAMERA! I can delete that picture!

I clicked it on. I can't understand why she would keep it...

Why would she do that?

I looked through her photos.

Most of them were of her and Xiou, Sanji, Luffy, some red head and... Hawkeye Mihawk?

I guess that they really were close...

I come to the photo she took of me. I couldn't delete it though.

Do I want my photo on her camera? Maybe I do?

Do I trust her not to show anyone? Maybe I do?

I looked around in her room and I saw her long sword sitting against the wall.

I picked it up and studied it closely. Now I see... This is Xiou Li's long sword he always kept strapped to his back. But where is his other sword he kept on his hip?

Growing up as a child Xiou Li was my idol. I studied everything about him. He was a prince from a land named China, a great export island, he disowned his family because they didn't believe in his dream.

His dream of becoming the greatest swordsman in the world. He did, but then unfortunately he died. No one knows how though, I bet Katou does. Then the next best swordsman, his cousin. Mihawk took his spot.

But one day I'll take his...

I looked around the room and saw a giant painting on her wall.

It was a portrait of Sanji, Xiou and herself.

She looked about thirteen and she had a long sleeve floor length dress on. Even then she wore long sleeves? Sanji was wearing a suit and Xiou was too. Xiou had his swords strapped to him.

They all looked like they were laughing and having fun.

Sanji was winking at the painter and Katou sneakily was trying to reach for Xiou's sword, Xiou was ruffling their hair smiling, they looked so much like a family. The artist captured them well.

I walked out of her room before she found out I was in here.

Luckily the next room was in fact a shower.

💚💚Next Day💚💚

I was slightly more early for class today because shock and horror, I didn't get lost.

Walked into class and saw no sign of Katou. The teacher was in the staff room next door, completely oblivious that she had a class to teach.

"Where is she?" I asked loudly to the class.

"She hasn't come in yet, which is strange, even for her. She's always the first one here..." A ginger haired boy said shaking his head.

I walked to the window to she if she was outside. Nope.

This is weird. The teacher told me she never misses home room...

What could she be doing?

She has navigation class today! She told me she never missed it!

Well, if she's not here I better go check up at her house to see if she hasn't died from an overdose of rum or pappadams or anything like that.

I ran out of class and all the way to her house.

"Katou! Katou!" I banged on her door. No answer. I looked through all the windows... No lights are on either.

I walk up to the dojo but no one is there.

Why do I care anyway? She's not my responsibility. If she's ran off somewhere why should it bother me?

Because you like her.

Shut up inner thoughts!

But you do don't you. You may even love her?

Maybe I do like her?

Why else would I care? If it was anyone else I'd probably just shake it off. But the moment I saw her I knew that she was different.

My kind off different.


Katou's POV

I got up at six this morning to shine Xiou's purple hilted sword. He always told me that your giving the sword good luck if you shine it under a sunrise.

Now I'm in Silcena at the market... I haven't been to a market or any place of the such.

Sanji always buys everything since he cooks.

So far in my cart is:






Baking soda


Basically all the stuff to make a rum cake! Sanji taught me how to cook so I think I'm pretty good with deserts. We have most of the stuff at home, but there was a couple of things we didn't have.



After shopping I went to visit Xiou.

I dropped some white frangipanis on his grave.

"Hello Xiou, remember your birthday I told you about the green haired guy who wants to be the best swordsman in the world? Well I'm giving Zoro your sword for his birthday. I know you wanted it to live on, I couldn't use it because I never trained two sword style like you. But Zoro will put it to great use and it will live again. I really miss you Xiou. Sanji left for cooking school... I sure he stopped by to say goodbye. I'm not too lonely, I have Zoro to hang out with m and I really like him as a friend you know... Although now I think about it, you always always told me that when I meet my Prince Charming I would feel a spark. Is this the same kind of spark or am I just taking it to seriously? I probably am... Anyways, I will leave you now but I'll come by next week with some Daisy's... I wish you told me why you loved white flowers... Goodbye Xiou."

I walked out of the cemetery quickly and didn't look back.

Why did you take him god? Why?

A/N The. Emotion. Is. Too. Much!


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