Unfortunately, Cedar’s misery didn’t stop with only that. 

Ignis Nightingale might appear as a studious and upright scholar. But behind this mask resides a cruel and twisted personality. He inflicted countless wounds on Cedar’s body using different blades. He also used several kinds of torture while listening to his brother’s cries of agony in delight.

It was only after a few days when Cedar lost his will to live and didn’t react to anything. Finally, the bemused Ignis told his men to kill Cedar. After that, they dumped the boy inside the beast forest to become monsters' food.

Thankfully, Cedar’s body held on. And the 12-year-old Crown Prince found his almost lifeless body by chance.

Alexander immediately held out his potion and let Cedar have it. Golden Dew is a pill known for its fast body restoration and healing ability. However, its use was only meant for people with direct blood ties with the King. 

The ingredients for that potion wasn’t only expensive, but also hard to get. And its main ingredients are the core of four high-ranked magical beasts.

Yet, the prince didn’t hesitate to use it for a stranger even if he might have a need for it in his hunting exercises.

A few days after that incident, news about the last son of General Wolfe Nightingale circulated the town.

It was said that the young noble left and was nowhere to be found, worrying the household. They even issued a search for Cedar.

It was a hypocritical move to wash hands, indeed.

However, the Crown Prince seems to know something. Even though the kid hadn’t said anything, Alexander denied the request for Cedar's return to the Nightingales. He insisted that since he saved the child with the Golden Dew, Cedar must now serve the Crown Prince.

At that time, the nobilities only saw it as the Prince’s selfishness and greed. And just like that, after Alexander took the role of a bad guy, the issue died down.

Five years later, Cedar was able to sever ties with the Nightingales when he gained Knighthood at the young age of 13. He left his family name and gained the honorary title of a baronet.

It was only an honorary title that’s why he didn’t have his own territory. Besides that, he never wanted to have lands in the first place.

“Does it really matter if that clown was here?” Prince’s Alexander’s voice rang out, waking Cedar from a trance.

Right. He was stronger now than he was back then. Besides that, the Prince had always protected Cedar from Ignis’ clutches.

Watching the Prince’s back as he walked gracefully, Gale suddenly felt that this monarch is definitely a reliable person. 

She also knew that Cedar had always wanted to be able to face Ignis.

“I promise you. I will break the shackles that asshole gave you.” Gale promised to Cedar. “Your hatred and vengeance are mine. After all, you and I are the same person now. Leave everything to this big sister.”

Clearing his mind, Cedar beamed at the Prince and stepped forward again. “It doesn’t.” He answered. “If by any chance that I meet Ignis, I will definitely greet that bastard with my deadliest smile.”

Roki also looked delighted and followed along. “Well, that’s a relief.”

“Does this mean that some nobles are plotting against you, father?” Alexander asked the man before him while they were eating.

Seated in the middle of the long table was His Majesty, the King, Kraveil Yv. A large man resembling an immovable mountain. He has a magnanimous yet fierce aura of a true monarch, who can easily make anyone tremble.

His looks are also of top quality, as expected from Alexander’s father. He has a wavy shoulder-length victorian pewter hair. It made his aquamarine eyes stand out and the stubble on his face adds a certain charisma.

Kraveil nodded as he placed a small piece of steak in his mouth, carefully chewing it as if the topic was something trivial. “They’ve planted spies within the castle, so it seems.”

“Wha-? Already?”

“Yeah. Konoki had already confirmed it.” The king answered with a bored look on his face.

“What are you going to do then?”

“Nothing.” His Majesty smirked and sliced the meat with ease. “For now, that is.”

As if reading his father’s intention, Alexander chuckled softly. “Planning to scoop everything at once? Aren’t you afraid that your net might snap, Your Majesty?”

“That’s why you’re there, my dearest Crown Prince.” The King grinned at his son.

They stared at each other with an amused look for quite a while.

Then both father and son cracked up.

“Hahahahaha!!!” Frenzied laughter filled the large dining hall.

Watching this weird scene, Gale didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“I didn’t get associated with twisted villains, did I?”

“That damn old geezer!” The Prince cursed when they reached his study.

Cedar just looked at him blankly, not knowing what was it all about.

“Is there something wrong?” He inquired. “Aren’t you laughing your ass off with His Majesty just now?”

“Just so you know, that old man had pushed the work on me.” He groaned and slouched in his chair.

Cedar got confused even more. “Huh? Didn’t the King said that he won’t do anything?”

“He won’t do anything because I was the one who’s gonna do all the work. Tsk… that lazy bum.” The Prince mumbled. “I had to deal with those backscratchers in his place. This is really troublesome. I won’t even have the time to have a good time!”

Observing Alexander’s expression, Cedar couldn’t help but ask.

“But your highness…”


“Why are you smiling?”

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