MEAN BOYS {5 Seconds Of Summer}

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It all started on a Tuesday.

The first Tuesday of October to be specific, the day I left the safety, comfort and all together Happy Life I had lived in South Africa, and instead moved to America, and started my first day of public school.

Now I know what you're thinking, school isn't that bad, or that scary.

And my response is for you it very well may not be, but for me, who has been homeschooled my entire life, the brick building standing in front of me, with oddly dressed boys and girls filing in and out of it, shooting me glares of disgust, was the stuff of nightmares.

But I think I'm getting ahead of myself, I should probably introduce myself.

My name is Ashton Irwin and I'm eighteen, up until today, I was homeschooled but then it was goodbye Africa and hello high school.

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