Chapter 29 - The Ending

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Chapter 29 ~ the battle part 3 THE END

Staying together the three of us fight against the left over warriors. It's like a video game, except real and life threatening. There's only about twenty warriors left now with about ten on our side. We are all exhausted and some of the others have sprained ankles.

"Anyone with a broken or sprained foot, go to the medic tent." Says River. She seems to have become well respected by the army. Those five soldiers leave for the tent. River doesn't seemed bothered by our lack of warriors.

Each side lines up, like a movie. We are all exhausted and panting loudly. We look at each other, seeing who will make the first move. They do, shooting metal cubes towards us. I fight back with fire, melting the cubes and causing about three warriors to leave. I can't see what everyone else is doing but I'm sure it's epic. Blasting a few more away I see they have ten left. Our side has us four and two other men. Quickly, using my las energy I blow a huge amount of fire there way. River adds Water to that, right by my fire making a steam. Metallica adds her metal to my fire causing metal cubes to melt and go towards the enemy. Finally Skye adds her wind making this all go faster. There's only one man left, he looks as tough as anything, quickly we fire at the same time. My fire wipes him out, but something hits me.

Opening my eyes I see I'm in the Stream hospital.

"She's awake." Says a woman, a doctor I guess. The door bursts open and I see Skye and River rush in, followed by mum and Metallica.

"Oh sweety! Your ok!" Says my mum hugging me. Her brown curls hanging over her.

"I'm sorry I left." I say.

"It's ok, River explained it all." She replies hugging my sister.

"What happened?" I ask Skye and Metallica.

"You got hit in the head by a warriors metal cubes and blanked out." Replies Metallica.

"Did we win?" I ask.

"Oh yeah we did. It's in the news and everything. But there's a downside." Replies Skye, frowning.

"The whole world knows about you being Multi-elemental." Says Metallica.

"They haven't found me out somehow." Says River.

"You must be carful now." Says mum as I sit upright.

"I will." I reply smiling, I'm just happy it's over.

The end! There will be a sequel don't worry. I'm busy writing it now with the first chapter being released after this one. Don't forget to vote please! It tells me you liked the book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️RubyCL out!

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