Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 ~ Flames are revealed

We finish in the library with River borrowing the book.

"But will we ever come back?" I ask her.

"Doesn't matter, I gave them a false name." She replies.

"But that's steeling."

"I wouldn't normally but remember, they are destroying our home." She replies and I see her point. We reach the entrance to Flare and walk easily past. There isn't even any guards.

Inside we find a hotel room and River uses some money she got somehow to pay for it. We go inside our room on the first floor and unpack our little amount of things. There's a small window above my bed. I stand on my bed and took out into the city. There's guards walking around, knocking on doors. Other than that there's almost no one on the streets.

"They might come here." Says River who has also seen.

"What do we do then?" Asks Skye.

"I'm not sure." Replies River as there's a knock at the door. We all look worried at each other as River opens it. As suspected there's guards there.

"Hello gentlemen." She says smiling, trying to be polite and calm.

"Hello. We are doing door to door checks incase there is any other element residence here. Please step outside and prove your element.

We have no choice but to go outside, I can see Skye freaking out.

"You first." Says a man pointing at River. I look at Skye who is panicking and motion for her to stay quiet. We watch as River makes a fire ball in her hand. Skye just looks at the ball, wide eyed. Next she looks at me and I take a deep breath as it's my turn.

I hold out my hand and make a small flame. I hear Skye gasp quietly.

"Your turn." Says a guard pointing at Skye who starts getting freaked out. She holds out her hand and I try to imagine fire on her hand. It doesn't work but suddenly a over her hand she makes a fire. I look at River who winks at me. She must have done it.

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