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All the lands used to live in harmony. Anyone could move among the elements that were not their own. Some even lived in although elements. The lands being made of water, fire, earth, air, ice, light, dark, metal and electricity. But then new rule came to the metal kingdom. The new ruler decided he didn't want to just rule one land, but two. He took over the light and used them and his own army against the fire, earth and dark. Ice, water and air joined forces when metal took over electricity. But soon air was attacked. They water, air and ice didn't stand a chance against metal, they couldn't work as a team. Air went under Metals rule. Now the only lands free are Water and Ice. They can work together since if the ice melts the water can collect it for them. They both flow together. Now water and ice live on fear. Metal is attacking all the time. Water and ice are just hanging on, along with me.

Chapter 1: Water ~ Stream city

Looking out the window I watched the men, young and old, training. They did so every morning. They were our villages army, our village being Stream city. It was named that because of the stream running right down the village. In summer time you could swim but now, being almost winter. small chunks of ice float down every day. It was very peaceful in Stream. I wished it could have stayed that way.

I changed and got ready for the day ahead, ready to exit into the town. Everyone knew me, my mum owned a clothing store where she made almost the whole villages clothing. I was wearing one of my blue jackets over my lighter blue dress. My brown hair was out and flapping about in the crazy wind. Looking south I could see the clouds moving in our direction. I had learned what that meant by then. The metal kingdom was coming. I was not scared since they had never reached us before. Our village was almost in the centre of water. They would be battling the outer towns then, Pulvia to be precise. Those cities had the better armies.

Darting behind a tall bush I watched the men practicing. They moved like a dance, moving water around them. It was beautiful. Everyone is born with an element. The element is passed down from your parents. There was a rule in place saying they may only marry someone from their element. It made sense, since that's were everyone lived. But there's another reason. No kingdom wanted someone born of two elements. Especially in this time. That person could go behind everyone's back and help the enemy. I was born with the power of water.

From behind the bush I took some water from the stream and tried to copy their movements. It felt like dancing, even if my movements are not as good as theirs. By the end I was tired even if they were still going. The village army was made up of almost every man in our town. Not my dad though. He left when I was two for an unexplained reason. I had asked my mother about it before, but each time she avoided the question.

Looking up at the clouds I saw they were swirling around in a tornado shape, in the distance. Metal must had brought air fighters. The wind was blowing over stands and signs. My hair was going crazy so I pushed it into my hoodie. Everyone was starting to go indoors and I understood why. They must had been getting very close, too close. I started running into town and stopped undercover. Now small cubes of silver were falling down from the sky, projecting from the tornado. Picking one up I saw it was made of metal. They must have been flinging metal cubes into the tornado. It was not safe to run home then so I ran into a store and watched from behind a clothing rack as some people dressed in silver came out from behind the trees. No one else was in the store except the shop assistant but she hadn't seen me. I couldn't believe the metal kingdom was here. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and called my mum.

"Mum I'm ok, stay indoors." Is all I say before hanging up. The metal warriors walk past before I spot the villages army getting into position.

I watch as the metal kingdom make cubes of metal and throw them towards our warriors. They fight back with water. Staying hidden I watch as the water laps at the window and then comes under the door slowly. I'm in boots so I just stay still as the warriors fight against each other. After a while I notice two men of metal break from the fight and start looking inside the windows. They come to ours and start banging on the door. My heart starts pounding as they kick it open. One man spots me and I stay still.

"Who are you?" He asks as the other goes and looks around the store.

"Rani..." I reply quietly.

"Last name too." He says gruffly, stepping closer.

"Rani Inferno." I reply as his eyes go bigger for a second. He holds his hands towards me and starts generating silver cubes. He shoots and I make a water wall block. The cubes stop and sink in the water

"Inferno huh? You control water I see, anything else?" He asks as he shoots a cube but I dodge.

"Um no... I don't think so." I reply as I shoot water at him.

"What about fire!" He says as I dodge some cubes. It goes straight through the window, smashing it and making a river of water drift slowly out the window. I see he's about to leave and run but I stop him with my water and start flooding the shop.

"What are you doing?" He asks as it almost reaches the roof. I don't reply but dive under and start trying to swim to the window. He shoots some metal and blocks up the window.

"No getting away that fast. Especially not you." He says as I dive under and start looking for a way out.

I swim around underwater for a few minutes. Since my element is water I can breath underwater. The cracks aren't big enough for me to get through. The metal warrior keeps shooting metal cubes at me but I keep dodging. Swimming in my dress is really hard so I take off my jumper and drop it off on a clothing hook. I swim to the front door and try the handle to no avail. There's no other way out but through the window cracks which are about the size of my hand. The man shoots another metal cube but I dodge as it hits the door, but doesn't brake anything. That gives me an idea. I swim to the window as he shoots another cube. The cube hits the glass, causing it to make another hole by the other one. He shoots one more time. The cube hits the window by other cracks and causes a big hole to appear, big enough for me to go through. I swim into the current going out the window and enjoy the short ride out into the town. Standing up I fix my hair and start running to the barrier of the town.

Water ~ Elementians book 1Where stories live. Discover now