Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 ~ powerful secrets

In the morning we pack our things into proper bags Fira has given us. She won't be coming with us but River will.

"I'm not leaving you again Rani." She whispers in my ear once we are packed. The fighting is still going, but not as strong as before.

"You will have to be carful. There isn't supposed to be anyone of other elements in Magma. Since your heading to Metal you must go either through the centre of Fire, the city Flame which is one of the biggest or go the long way through Flare and Lava." Explains Fira.

"Let's go through Flame, it's the quickest." Says Skye.

"Flare has one problem, there is always street wars going on. Also the guards always go door to door checking people's elements." Explains Fira.

"We will have to risk it." Says River as we go outside, waving goodbye to Fira.

Skye has a map Fira gave her so this time we know better, where we are going. We pass shops and bookstores, the windows are in damaged. I guess that's a good thing about living in an evil city. Lucky Fira. That makes me think. If Fira is Skye's cousin, does that mean she can control fire? Or that one of her parents siblings could?

"Skye." I say and she looks at me. "How is Fira a fire Elementian?" I ask her and she thinks.

"Well, my mums brother was air and married a fire without permission. So that makes her Fire, her brother who lives in air is an air Elementian." She explains and I nod. We keep walking, not running for a change.

"Look a library." Says River as she starts running inside. We follow her into the small building.

We find her in the history of the elements section.

"The element training section has been removed." River says as we come over. In her hands is a book about controlling more than one element and how wrong it is.

"Why that book?" Asks Skye, she doesn't know we are multi-elemental.

"Um... I was just interested." She replies awkwardly as I scan the shelf. Skye picks up an air history book and I stay with River while Skye finds a couch to sit at.

"This book explains that when you control two elements, you are seen as a threat." Whispers River to me.

"A threat? Why?" I ask her even if I kind of have an idea.

"Because we-I mean they, can control two elements giving them an advantage in battle. Also, by controlling two elements your mind works harder meaning your movements are faster. If you control two elements your also stronger! It says if you control two when fully trained you are as strong as five fully trained Elementians." She whispers to me. I slowly take this all in. We are stronger than most Elementians? I process this all and go other to Skye.

"Any luck?" She asks and I shake my head. It doenst feel right lying to her about my other element but River said to, so I won't tell.

"Rivers only found information about multi-Elementians." I reply.

"It would be hard living at this time as a multi-elementian. They'd have to be carful about everything they do. But then they would be so powerful they wouldn't want to hide it. I bet any who are left are show offs." She says. For some reason I get hot. Oh yeah, maybe because I'm a multi-elementian.

"I think it would be pretty cool." I say but she she doesn't hear me. She's busy reading her book.

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