Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 ~ the battle part 2

At the tent I'm told I have half an hour to recover. I thank the soldier and take a seat on a chair as a nurse comes up to me.

"You seem pretty young to be a warrior." She says, giving me a drink.

"I'm stronger than many of those men." I tell her, showing her my powers. She gasps before smiling.

"Well you seem pretty talented so I see why you were let in. You don't by any chance happen to be related to River Inferno?" She asks and I nod. I follow her out of my tent and into another to see River waiting, drinking some water. She looks tired, her right arm has a small bandage around it. It can't have been serious since she doesn't look hurt.

"You ok?" I ask, sitting by her.

"Yeah I'm fine. What about you?" She asks.

"I'm good." I reply as we drink in silence for a while. Just as I'm about to talk again we are told to get back on the field.

Running outside I look at where to go. There's many men fighting all over the place but suddenly I spot a small girl lying on the floor, a metal warrior over her. Seeing her silver streak I run to Metallica. The warrior doesn't see me until it's too late. I fire at him, causing him to fall to the side. Helping Metallica up she thanks me as we see some soldiers coming towards us. Together, her metal and my fire, we shoot them away. The metal melts into a hot goo and must burn since they run straight to there tent. Looking around I see some other warriors coming, they just keep coming. Where ever they come from, they will be returning soon.

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