Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 ~ Water and fire vs Air

Standing in the arena I watch as Metallica and a River discuss arena ideas quickly. I'm up against Skye and I have a feeling I will win. Air just isn't one of the most strong elements, as far as I know. Then again iv grown up knowing little about air Elementians.

"Ok we have an idea." Says River as her and Metallica stand up about to set the arena.

Metallica has left the outside barrier as she starts making five circular platforms. Four on the outside and one in the middle.

"Rani you start in the centre for practice." Says Metallica as River starts filling it up with water.

"Don't just use water Rani." Says River as we start.

Skye shoots some wind at me in an attempt to push me off. I keep my ground as I start making a fire in my hand. Quickly I realise the big problem, the air is putting my fire out. Also Skye is pushing the water, which is now lapping at the edge of the platform. Quickly I jump to another platform and fire some water at her, to receive it coming back. I sigh as she keeps going. She looks like she isn't tiring. Suddenly I think of something. Using the water behind Skye I push it up behind her, raising my hands as I go. She looks at me weird just as I splash it over her. Skye fell into the water and I held in my laugh, it would have been mean and I'm not like that (I hope).

She quickly jumped back up onto a platform but I just washed her in again.

"That's enough." Says River as we climb out and I dry Skye. We are all tired and just sit around for a while, catching our breath.

No cliffhanger, again. Yay iv made 20 chapters, I'm thinking this might possibly make it to thirty or more. I'm trying to plan how to end this so anyway. Also when I finish this one I will write a sequel, which I already have in mind. ⭐️⭐️⭐️vote⭐️⭐️⭐️

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