Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 ~ Walking to the wall

"We should go back to fire, and find Fira." Says Skye while we are outside. We have packed for the journey up to Icicle. We must fight with them.

"After we help Icicle. The Metal kingdom left this morning, with a de-tour into Magma for the night. Icicle is right being Iron so we can get there easily." Says Metallica as we follow her to the outskirts of town.

It's strange how different each town looks. Iron has silver buildings and walls, houses built against shops and stores. There is few parks with a tree here and there. Bushes are common though.

Stream had trees and the stream running through the centre. The buildings were white and light blue with shops each with long windows. Everyone lives in apartments right by each other.

Magma and Flame had red and black painted buildings with tiny windows, letting little light inside. It was always hit and there was smoke in the air often.

Skye has described her city, Gust, to me. She says it has sand yellow walls and beautiful trees with fruits. The pavement was always cement and was cleaned often. These places all sound so beautiful.

We reach the barrier at the back of the city and look up at it. This time it may be harder with more cameras and more guards on this end.

Ta da! Hope you guys are enjoying the book. By the way just so you know, I got inspiration for the buildings from when I visited Paris last year. There everyone lived in apartments with brightly coloured streets and walls. There was apartments above shops and connected to shops. So if you've been to Paris, imagine the streets to look like those ones. Well, the quieter suburb streets. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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