Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 ~ Fira on Fire

We reach the barrier in no time to see its higher than the other one. The entrance isn't far away but it has huge electronic metal doors that are higher than the wall itself. There is no way if Skye gets up that I could jump and she could grab my hand. Since the trees are burnt there isn't anything to climb onto. The sound of people screaming ca be heard. The screams sound more like shouts, like a war cry. The Fire army must be training.

Looking at the war I know there must be a way over. Skye could fly using her air but then how would I get over?

"How do I get over?" I ask Skye.

"Hmmm... How about I push you up, like how I do." She says. Before I can answer she pushes down at the ground, one arm holding me, and we are blown up onto the wall. I just mouth woah and turn to the Fire village. There's some kids, not many. They mainly have either black, dark brown or red hair strangely.

We walk along on top of the wall. There's trees hiding the top of the wall from the people so we pass easily. I follow Skye as she stops at a tree and we climb down. I have to hide since I'm in bright blue whole everyone else dresses in brown or red. Skye fits right in as we go from street to street, each having many flowering bushes of many colours. I'm surprised the plants live in such heat. Skye stops outside a house and knocks. A girl about our age opens the door and quickly pulls us in.

"Skye?" She asks.

"Fira!" Says Skye as the two hug. Fira and Skye have a small resemblance to each other. Fira has two black plaits and is taller than Skye but shorter than me. She has a beautiful smile on her face. She too has brown eyes and skin like Skye.

"This is Rani, from Stream." Says Skye as Fira smiles.

"Hello! You guys have to stay the night. Apparently they are attacking Frost again tonight." She replies and I sigh.

"It's so sad." I whisper.

"I know, but it's apart of our lives now, I barley notice." Replies Fira as she leads us to an empty room with two mattresses. Red blankets sit on both of them with matching pillows. The walls are a dark shade of red or were a dark shade of red. There is paint peeling off here and there with the grey stone behind showing.

"It's not the best but you can stay here." Says Fira as we dump our bags of leaves down.

"We had to do with my leaf clothing." Replies Skye.

"It's a gift that you can do that Skye. It's only mid day so you can go around town if you like. But Rani..." Said Fira as she rushed to another room. She came back with a red dress with a red jumper that looked very warm.

"Rani you should change. Skye you can have my jumper if you like." Said Fira as I change and Skye finds another red jumper.

We thank Fira and walk outside into the warm air. It's so strange that a city that's always snowing is right by one of the hottest villages in the world. The Fire Nation is one of the biggest with many smaller cities within.

"This city is Magma. Mainly because it's built on an old volcano, that is so old the magma is gone." Explains Skye as we walk on. We pass shops and parks, offices and playgrounds. We sit down on a park bench and I gasp.

Why did she gasp? Find out next time! Also if you liked the story feel free to hit that vote button up the top :D

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