*Saru Village, Jurakudai Hot Springs*
Jared relaxed in the hot springs, closing his eyes and tilting his head back, resting it on the cushioned headrest on the wall of the hot spring. His mind went everywhere still.
Tomorrow. My nerves are a wreck. Am I going to see her tomorrow? Will I have to kill her? Are her feelings even the same? Shit, I wish I could stop thinking about Alisa..I mean, Sun-mi.
"You okay, honey?" said a soft voice.
Jared lifted his head and saw his mother next to him in the water.
"Hey, mom. Yeah, I'm fine. I guess it's just last minute nerves." Jared said.
"I still feel bad for sending you all here. But you all seem to love it here. This isn't the life me and your father wanted you to live necessarily. But you're becoming a man, and a man sticks to his mind." Rosa said.
Jared rolled his eyes.
"Forget dad. He hasn't even said a word to me since he's gotten here. He talks to Tristin and Luisa. He can't possibly still be that mad at me. But if he is, screw him." Jared said.
"You watch your mouth, Jaredano" Rosa snapped. "Tomorrow his children go into war that they could potentially make no return from. Look at it from his shoes. He could lose one, two or all three of you. It is devastating."
"Then why did you send us here? It could've just been myself only like it was planned originally. YOU sent Tristin and Luisa here." Jared said, looking away.
Out the corner of his eye, he saw his father talking with Tristin and Luisa, as Dan and Kevin played with Maxi.
"I sent your brother and sister with you because I know how hard it is for you all to be separated from eachother. Yes, it was a risk doing so, but when me and your father are no longer here...you three will be all that you have. Of course I want grandchildren too before I die." Said Rosa.
"Mom, I don't want kids. Ever" Jared said, sharply looking back at his mother. "And it has been so long already that we all have been here. Why can't dad just get over it? If he was so concerned about losing one of us, he wouldn't only be talking with Tristin and Luisa."
"Look, sweetie" Rosa said grabbing Jared's face softly. "Today is our day as a family. Your best friends from home are even here. Tomorrow is never promised, and I'm not just saying that because the war is ironically tomorrow either."
Jared looked at his father sat in the water with an angry look on his face. He also saw Luisa and Tristin storming towards him and Rosa.
"We're trying to get dad to talk to Jared, but he refuses." Tristin said.
"Jared, go over there please?" Luisa said.
"Fine fine! If he gives me any ounce of attitude or says anything rude, I'm done. I swear it." Jared said, swimming over to Kaeneki.
"Dad. We need to talk." he said.
"What about? I have nothing to say." Kaeneki dryly responded.
Jared bit his bottom lip in anger, turning to look at his mom and siblings who were all motioning him to keep talking.
"Well I have a lot to say" said Jared. "I'll start by saying I initially wanted to enter the tournament for fame and money. I won't lie. But once I heard from mom that Makaio had injured you years ago, I felt my blood boiling. And Alisa...um...Sun-mi I mean. She told me about her fake ass brother getting killed by Makaio, I just wanted Makaio dead by my hands! Dad, I wanted to avenge you! Make a name for the Dorahatō, you know? But once I made it out here, seemed like everyone knew who you and mom were. I guess what I'm trying to say is I never knew how cool you were...are. I'm sorry I went against your wishes, but I'm a man. I did what I felt was right. It isn't my fault mom sent Tristin, Luisa and poor Maxi here too...just quit hating me."
Jared suddenly felt a grip on his shoulders.
"Son. I don't hate you. I never could and never will. Never wanted to. You're just the only one of my children to ever go against me, and I'm just scared to lose you guys" Kaeneki said. "The very things me and your mother shielded you, Tristin and Luisa from, are all of the things you all are exposed to now. This lifestyle...it goes way deeper than just being in a stupid tournament, son. Being a warrior is a commitment. Especially living here in Japan. You three escaped death with the tournament. Tristin barely survived. Then Luisa gets beaten by Makaio, I almost lost her. Son...war is nothing mediocre. I'm scared I'll come close to losing you next, or worse, all of you."
Jared sighed heavily and felt a single tear run down his cheek.
"Dad. Hanzo Sensei has taught me well. The will of fire that I have passed down from you, it burns bright" said Jared. "I have done things that I never thought I could. Participating in this war makes me feel like more of a man, and I'm honoring Japan and King Tskune. After all, I'm half Japanese. Exploring my culture has been amazing, and quite frankly, I love it ten times better than being in america. Tristin has proven to be a great leader and role model for me and Luisa. He's even mastered Mud Style! And man oh man, you should see Luisa. She's grown so much. She's even learned how to execute attacks on higher levels than me, and her attacks with Maxi are up to par. Not to mention, Mai just gave her a katana sword two days ago, which she's been using with ease. So that means she's a warrior of three types and classes."
Kaeneki was taken aback by how well his children were doing. He feared that this may have been a mistake, but they've learned so much that it had impressed him.
"Jared. Promise me something?" Kaeneki asked.
"What's up?" Jared asked.
"Promise me you won't try to be everything."
Jared hesitated.
"What do you mean by that, dad?" he asked.
"Promise me you won't try to be everything and do everything on your own. That's how you fail" Kaeneki said. "You can't be anything if you want to be everything. Remember that."
Jared nodded his head and promised his father.
"You've got my word dad."
Suddenly everyone jumped in the water and swam over to Jared and Kaeneki, as Rosa sang a sweet song in Spanish, sung for relaxing everyone.

*China, Hǎishuǐ Village, Lan Di Palace*
"We have everything set, my lord." Ping said.
Kang stood from his throne with Kokoro by his side. Hundreds of warriors kneeled before him.
"Excellent. Go get her." he said.
Ping walked off smirking evily and returned with Naija, who struggled to free from his grip. Ping kicked her in the back of the knee, bringing her down to her knees.
"Kuan. Do the honors." Kang said.
Kuan walked up, hands glowing a misty green.
"Please! Just let me go! You mustn't do this! My child is yet unborn!" Naija shouted.
"Shut your mouth, insignificant one!" Kuan shouted back.
Ping held Naija's arms behind her back, tightly.
"You won't escape this time." laughed Kang.
Kuan placed both hands on Naija's head and squeezed hard, covering her head in the green mist. Naija screamed in pain. After twenty seconds of this, Kuan stopped, allowing Naija to fall backwards as Ping released her.
"Mind Deletion Technique, complete." Kuan said.
"Good" said Kang with an evil grin on his face, and grabbing Kokoro's hand. "WARRIORS. WE MOVE OUT NOW!"

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