Destiel- Car wash

Start from the beginning

      The sputtering of a dying engine grew louder until truck could be seen pulling into the lot. Cas was surprised when the driver turned out to be his schools beautiful football captain.
      "Hey Cas!" Dean called, jumping out of the car. "I brought the car!" He stated enthusiastically.
       Cas slide his bottom lip between his teeth for a split second. "Oh cool." He felt stupid but was at a loss for words. 'C'mon Cas get it together.' He thought to himself. "Uh that's $5."
       Dean pulled out the bill and passed it over, making sure to 'accidentally' brush his hand against Cas, leading Cas to try suppress a light blush.
        Cas handed the money to Alfie who was handling the cash box and counting cars. He turned back to Dean, who had his hands shoved into his pockets and was rocking back on his heels. "I guess I'd better get to it," Cas supplied.
        "Yeah I guess you should." Dean couldn't help it. He gave Cas his best swoon inducing smile as the boy walked back to the cars being washed, causing Cas to almost trip over himself. Almost.
For the next 15 minutes Dean enjoyed his perfect view of the angelic blue eyed boy. Well, more so the soaking white shirt that clung to his skin, exposing every muscle he had built up over the last four seasons of soccer training.
         Balthazar rolled his eyes and threw a ring of keys at Dean. "If you wanted to watch my cousin with his shirt clinging to his chest," he began walking over to Dean. He lowered his voice to continue, "You could just stay after on Thursdays to watch practice. He's disgustingly sweaty."
       Dean snorted indignantly. "Shut up Balth." He was friends with Balthazar, (but then again, who wasn't?) and therefor had grown immune to the incessant teasing. They'd known each other since 4th grade when Balth moved to Kansas from England for god knows what reason, which meant they were close friends, close enough for Balth to know about Deans not so secret, secret bisexuality, and definitely close enough to tease him endlessly about it.
       Dean climbed in the now slightly less disgusting rust bucket and turned the ignition.
   "Hey Dean!," Balth jogged up to the drivers side. "If it makes you feel any better, you don't stare at him anymore than he fawns over you." He smiled cheekily, and ran off before Dean could formulate a good response. 

     Dean managed to stay at home
for roughly 20 minutes after he pulled into Bobby and Ellen's junk yard a second time. He really did try to ignore Balth's remark, but c'mon! Castiel, the boy he'd been crushing on since he fell off the stage during an assembly freshman year, was at school, in a drenched white shirt, just waiting to be ogled at. Honestly, he was surprised more people hadn't realized this amazing opportunity. He had to go back. This could easily provide him with enough masturbation material to last through his 30s.
        So if there was any chance he could get Cas to notice him while he watched him scrubbing down cars, that was just an added bonus. And with the number of cars Bobby had in the lot, he could be at the school lot car wash for at least a week.
         "Sammy! I'm heading out! If Bobby or Ellen get home early just tell them I'm with Balth!"

       "So Cas," Balthazar began slyly. Cas groaned, recognizing the too polite tone.
       "What class are you failing this time?" he asked as he continued drying the car.
       "Cas! Darling! What ever would make you think I was failing a class!"
        Cas threw him a pointed look. "Okay look that was one, maybe 3 times. I'm doing great now! Skating by on straight C's!"
         Cas huffed. "Fine. Then what do you want."
        "Why do you think I want something from you! Can a cousin not just talk to his cousin without an ulterior motive!" Balthazar clutched his chest dramatically in mock pain.
        "Yes, a cousin can, but not this cousin. So what do you want Balth." He finished drying the windshield and moved to the side of the car.
         "I only wanted to ask if you had given what we talked about last weekend any thought."
         Cas sighed. "For the last time, I'm not going to a gay bar with you!" He double checked that none of his teammates could hear his whisper shouting. "I don't care if you can find me a boyfriend! I'm fine hiding in the closet where it's safe and bullying free! I get enough shit for being a nerd, you really think I want to add queer to the list of insults?"
         "What if we didn't have to go to any bar? What if I told you a certain football player with gorgeous emerald eyes and a golden boy rep might swing that way as well?"
         "I wish I hadn't drank that shit you gave me. Or gone to that party. Then I could still be quietly in the closet without you bugging me to go out."  Balth whined.
         "C'mon you don't mean that," he pouted. "You love me! I'm you're favorite cousin! And you can't deny that cause you told me that right after I found you making out with Gadriel that night. I have perfect memory, you know."
        "I hate you."
         "No you don't."
         "Yes I do."
         "No you don't."
         "Yes I do."
         "No you don't."
         "YES, I REALL-"
  The roar of an engine cut off their fight as Dean pulled up in a beat up Jeep that looked like it was about ready to fell apart. Dried mud and dirt covered the car so the car had a sort of faded ombré from the green paint to light brown dust to dark mud along the bottom edge.
          Balth smiled and grabbed the towel from his distracted cousins hand. "Here comes the golden boy now. Perfect timing, I must say."
         Dean cut the engine and jumped out of the car.
"Hey Cas!" Dean cursed himself internally for sounding to excited. Just play cool like you do with the cheerleaders. "Come here often?" He tried to joke. Cas raised an eyebrow questioningly at the strange switch in behavior.
"No, but it seems you do."
Dean sputtered for a moment but continued. "Well, I gotta support my fellow Hawks, ya know?"
"Umhum." Cas eyed up the boy in front of him. He wanted to believe Dean was gay and trying to hit on him. He really, really did. But the niggling self deprecating thoughts in the back of his mind wouldn't let him.
"Well, I guess you know the drill. $5 to Alfie." Cas turned and walked back over to the red Pinto that he had been washing. It took all the decency in him for Dean not to let out a low whistle as Cas walked away. Hate to see him go, but love to watch him leave.
Deans staring contest with Castiels ass was interrupted by a throat clearing. He turned to see Alfie beside him with his hand out.
"Oh, yeah, here." Dean shoved a crumpled ten into the freshman's outreached palm and briskly walked back to his car. Well, Bobby's car but that's not the point. He sat in the drivers seat and drummed his fingers on the wheel impatiently as he waited in the rather short line of cars. Dean caught himself staring at Cas for far to long and decided to switch on the stereo to distract himself so he wouldn't look too pathetic.
~Rising up, back on the street~
~Did my time, took my chances~
Castiel handed the keys back to the sophomore girl (Its Meg. Im in your art class, remember?) who slipped a scrap of paper with an number and a winky face into his hand as he did so. Cas pulled a tight awkward smile before quickly walking away. Maybe he could try that with Dean...
Next up was a total hippy VW Van, but before Cas and the team could start washing it the blaring of music grabbed their attention.
They watching with expressions ranging from awestruck horror from second hand embarrassment or else amused smiles as the captain of the varsity football team sang off key and acted out the song. Dean realized his audience as leg guitared along to the next line. A wave of shyness threatened to overcome him, but he decided that he might as well finish the chorus so it wouldn't seem like he was embarrassed. In the heat of the moment, Dean climbed out his window for the big finish.
~AND HES WATCHING US ALL IN THE EYE~ He sat on the edge of the car top and looked out at his impromptu crowd, catching Castiels gaze for a second before the blue eyes pulled away. He slowly raised his arms for a dramatic ending.
"Woo!" Balth and Gabe cheered for the ridiculous behavior in front of them. The two were always looking for something stupid to do, and therefore felt it was their duty to encourage random outbursts as much as possible. Dean laughed with his friends and hopped of the car.
"Really, Dean, you should join drama. You'd fit right in," Balth teased. "Lots of gays, ya know," he added a little louder than Dean would have preferred.
"Shaddup." Dean had more to say but his mind was shoved into panic mode as he noticed Cas standing awkwardly in his peripheral. Had he heard that? Was it a bad thing if he had? Balth did say he was checking me out earlier...
Dean set his face with his signature smirk. "Hey, Cas."
"Uh, keys?" He paused. "So I can pull the car up, I'm not stealing your car." Dean laughed.
"I doubt anyone would. It's a piece of crap. It's a wonder that it even drives."
Cas smiled and let his eyes dart anywhere but to Deans. There was no way he could go through with this plan. The way Dean said his name did something to him. He wasn't smooth enough to slip Dean his number.
"Here." Dean handed him the keys. Oh fuck, Cas thought as Deans thumb brushed his knuckles, I'm so screwed.
The next half hour was rather uneventful as Cas avoided acknowledging Dean while washing cars and Dean watched Cas in a defiantly not creepy way from the side lines. As Gabriel and Kevin started drying the Jeep Dean had brought, he realized that he had yet to say anything to Cas to show his interest. Dean racked his mind. How do you ask a guy if he's gay without asking or letting on that your gay if he isn't? Also, how do you figure out if said guy is into you if he is gay? And how do you do all this when you've had a crush on said guy for 3 years but you haven't told anyone because the only people that know you are bisexual are said guys cousin and your little brother?
Deans head was spinning from all the questions and complications. Just then, Cas walked up to him.
"Here's your keys." He smiled genuinely at Dean, ducking his head down to avoid eye contact when Dean looked at him.
"Thanks." Dean accepted the keys, again sliding his fingers along Cas's hand more than necessary once again. Cas realized his mistake as he handed the keys over. He should have given Dean his number.
They stood for a couple more seconds, both waiting for the other to say something. Dean took Cas's lack of response as signal for the end of the conversation, so he turned to leave. At least he got the satisfaction of seeing Cas in an unofficial wet T-shirt contest.
"Hey, Dean," Cas called out, allowing Dean to turn back with a puppy dog grin on his face.
Cas hesitated. Fuck it.
"Do you have a pen?"
Deans forehead wrinkles in confusion.
"Uh yeah I think so." He's reached his pockets. "Here."
Cas grabbed the pen with one hand and Deans out stretched arm with another. He quickly scribbled his something on Deans wrist, then handed the pen back.
Dean pulled his arm back and smiled at the 7 digits, then at Cas.
"Thanks." Dean said softly.
"I get home after 4 most days so..." Cas trailed off.
"Okay. I'll keep that in mind."
Dean felt the giddyness rising in his chest as he walked backward to the Jeep.
Cas smiled again, not bothering to try to hide his blush this time. "See ya later Dean."
"Later Cas." He called as he hopped in the car.
The Jeep roared to life, stereo blasting whatever station it had been left on. Dean speed out of the lot Turing the music up louder so everyone for a mile could hear.

~Well, shake it up, baby, now! Twist and shout!~

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